Our Healing Expert Panelists on The Kat Kanavos Show LIVE Video Podcast is Dr. Jane Galloway (Recovery), Helen Brennand (Death of a Child), Dr. Donna Blevins (Stroke Survivor), and Denise Mange (Chakra Animal Healing) are here to share Stories and Tips on how to heal from crisis.

What struck me as so profound about this particular Healing Panel is that every expert not only talks their talk but has walked their walk to wellness.

Their journey brought them from emotional, physical and spiritual crisis to health.

These panelists do not tell you how to heal from books they have read. They guide you using personal writing and healing experiences which make their interviews rare gems in a world of second-hand information bombardment. The one thread that runs through all four of these profound healing stories is how the Universe has all the answers to our deepest challenges.

Those answers are contained in Universal Oneness of all life.

  Dr. Jane Galloway– Visionary leader, recovery educator, and author shares her personal experience of traveling the 12-Step Path as a person in recovery, teacher, counselor, and minister for over 3 decades. This journey and a clear template for supporting Stage Two Recovery with body, mind, and spirit tools is the basis of her message and book, “The Gateways- The Wisdom of 12-Step Spirituality, published by Sacred Stories Publishing.

The Gateways helps you step into the spiritual awakening promised in Step 12.

Addiction is a symptom of deeper traumas, and core wounds are persistent if not treated. Jane’s Gateways offers a comprehensive support for Next Stage Recovery. “After Stage One Recovery, and a dedicated working of The Steps should come a launch into a lifelong process of integration of body, mind, and spirit beyond ‘illness’, and toward ever-expanding wholeness.”

For Stage One Recovery, “the rooms” are amazing and transformative. But once all of the Steps have been worked, and some stability and restoration to sanity and purpose are established, it is time to conquer new developmental goals.

Strength-based recovery pulls forward the strengths of a person and develops those goals.

“While the 12-Steps are a universal system for psycho-spiritual growth, the actual program of AA was designed to get people sober and back to life…period. It is a recovery program, not a system of evolutionary, growth-oriented living.” ~Dr. Jane Galloway


T.R.I.B.E: Transformation/Realization/Inspiration/Belonging/Expression  www.JaneGalloway.com


Helen Brennand, author of Belief, and an equine professional based in England is an accomplished holistic therapist who has a passion for horse welfare and a respect for them as sentient beings. Her deep love for horses is a result of them rescuing her from the deepest depths of despair only a mother can experience.

Her horses nurtured her through a period of immense sorrow after the loss of a child.

Miraculously, her suffering is swept away through an intimate connection to a small heard of horses when Helen became part of the herd. The horses embrace her and through their unspoken communication, she saw the truth of her life, her mistakes, and her fears. It was the tiniest horse in the herd that gave her the biggest healing.

This horse-nurturing culminates in a beautiful and unexpected spiritual awakening.

Complimenting her writing, Helen’s time is now dedicated to her horse sanctuary center The Haven, founded to give back the healing she received, and to ensure a lasting and safe place where a horse’s inner-wisdom is free to be released and allowed to shine.  www.Belief444.com


 Dr.Donna Blevins says, “Be careful what you ask for because God and the Universe always listen so the answer may be more than you bargained for.” Dr. Blevins wanted validation that her MindShift exercises worked. She got it!

Her message is all about how to instantly shift out of fear, anxiety, worry and being overwhelmed by anchoring yourself in a new reality that leads to profound positive life-changes.

Donna was hit with what she calls her Stroke-of-Genius when she was struck by a stroke that blocked the flow of blood to the central part of her left brain, the area that controls speech.

Airlifted to the nearest hospital that could treat her condition, her life was saved but her words were lost…except for two…Donna, and Crap!

During this panel interview, you will HEAR Dr. Donna Blevins share her miraculous recovery, in her own words, that includes her journey into the depths of her mind in search of her lost words, and how she used her MindShift Exercises to speak again.

Three days after her massive stroke she spoke.

The medical community called it a miracle. Donna called it proof that her exercises work. She had asked God for a sign and boy-oh-boy did she get one. Her book, MindShift on Demand is all about Quick Life-Changing Tools.



  Denise Mange talks about how your pets reflect your energy patterns impacting their behavior, and your relationships. After a decade of working at some of the most prestigious agencies in New Your City, Denise left the glamor of Madison Avenue to pursue a true sense of fulfillment and soul purpose which she found in working with dogs.

As a Pet Intuitive and Pet Numerologist, she promotes A New Way Forward in Pet Guardianship.

Denise Mange’s unique intuitive approach to dog training combines obedience fundamentals with energy balancing strategies and tools.

Did you know that a dog’s on-leash reactivity can indicate an imbalance in the first chakra for pets and humans? Or, that puppy nipping could be an invitation to revisit the third chakra and patterns around stepping into your power? Your first chakra deals with energies around grounding, survival, safety, financial security, and victimhood. In animal companions, the owner’s blockages may be reflected back as on-leash reactivity.

Healing with Chakras Program Pet Prana deals with the imbalance of the chakras for pets and humans and focuses on how they can heal each other. www.petprana.com

During the interview, each panelist shares in detail their crisis and profound healing journey that culminated in a healing that even surprised them. They wrote books to share their step-by-step process of wellness to help other people in crisis realize there is a way out of the dark and into the light.

During the Video interview, posted below for your viewing pleasure, each of the authors shares one important BONUS Healing Tip for you.

YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruJJ31UvNvs&feature=share


Bio: About Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos: VIDEO Podcaster, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, & Dream Expert seen on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Her Divine Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat and Duke U. Dr. Larry Burk co-wrote, Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She’s a Syndicated Columnist, TV Producer/Host and award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Divine-guidance through Dreams. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @  www.KathleenOKeefeKanavos.com

Photo Credit:

All photos and posters used with permission by authors



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