Duct Tape Won’t Fix This? Communication Can!

Duct Tape Won’t Fix This? Communication Can!


 It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you my guest blogger Russ Illes, Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod radio show host, author, and father extraordinaire, who until his child became critically ill, believed Duct Tape could fix anything. By accessing inner guidance, often above and beyond the five senses, Russ now helps other husbands, brothers and fathers who are still on the same difficult path he once traveled learn why Duct Tape may not fix a broken heart, but other people can. Communication is a key.

Kat Kanavos


Play Date: Tuesday March 1, 2016


Link To Replay The Show:




Russ Illes: Wicked Duct Tape: Communication


I have been having more and more conversations with men and getting their perspective. I have had 15 years of therapy of some sort of another and still, I have never felt heard. In conversations with other Dads is where I feel heard and validated.


I know that my feelings are not unique. There is, however, a need for us men to create a language in order to discuss how to better deal with crises within the family.


We must be able to communicate without feeling like it would cost us our masculinity.



There is a need for us to create a language to discuss these things without feeling like we have lost the fight-for-life, often our families, before we have even begun to plan.


One of the biggest problem is we often don’t have a plan and are reluctant to ask for help because, after all, are we not the strong protector of the family who can fix anything with a little Duct Tape and determination?

safe to be


One way to do this is to use the information in my book Duct Tape Won’t Fix This, to help you start the conversation with your wife and family. Read aloud some part that resonates with you and just start there.


Please join the conversation, because you are not alone.


About The Show Host: Russ Illes is the Author of Duct Tape Won’t Fix This and an 8-year cancer hospice volunteer. He is co-founder and leader of a men’s support group that has been together for 26 years. His goal is to create a safe and supportive place for fathers of children with life-threatening illnesses begin a conversation. His book is available on Amazon.

Please visit his website: www.DuctTapeWontFixThis.com , his Facebook Page at The Magic Hat Project, and his past radio shows @ https://www.facebook.com/Wicked-Housewives-On-Cape-Cod-Radio-Network-324926874345798/?ref=hl

Contact: Russell Illes / 617-827-0225 / Email: ssur1@verizon.net


Blog Host: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ and Author/Lecturer of the International award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. She has been featured in newspapers, on CBS News, in American Express Open, and published in medical journals. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com



(all pictures and posts are used with permission or owned by the author.)



Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series- #3 Dreams and Dreaming

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series- #3 Dreams and Dreaming


You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room on my door. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our waking-life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority.

Your Question: How come my dreams come true and is this normal and how do I tune into it more?

In order to tune into your dreams you must be able to access them long after you have dreamed them. That can be accomplished by keeping a dream journal beside your bed so you can write your dreams down first thing in the morning.

Be sure to have a pencil there as well because hunting for one may cause you to become distracted and forget your dream. Dreams are very illusive. They often dissipate like swirling wisps of smoke as soon as they see the light of day.

Your dream journal will help you decide if you had a Deja-vu or a Dream-Come-True.

  • A Deja-vu can be considered a post-cognitive dream that takes you into the past to find solutions to present challenges.
  • A Dream-Come-True is a pre-cognitive dream that shows you the future so you are warned.

Precognitive dreams are dreams that come true because they are dreams that show you a bit of the future. In your dream state you may travel the time continuum, or you may receive important information from your spirit guides or guardian angels. They are an innate gift. We are their job and they take that job seriously and often speak to us with words or PICTURES in dreams.

My dreams warned me that my doctors had missed my breast cancer all three times.

If I had not believed my precognitive dreams validated by pathology reports and self-advocated for additional tests I’d be dead. This dream is in the latest book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions.

Some health dreams that came true are also in this recently published medical study done by Dr. Larry Burk. 2015 May-June Volume 11, Issue 3, pages 193-198 Warning Dreams Preceding the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: A Survey of the Most Important Characteristics Page on explorejournal.com

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream question. Ask me anything in the comment box.

Please join us next time on The Dream Queen Because You Asked Series- #4 Dreams vs Reality

ABOUT The Dream Queen: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com & download your free DREAM gift http://bit.ly/My-Free-Gift-to-You

(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)

Wicked Beauty Energy:  Lynn Laporte, Esthetician and Beautycounter Associate

Wicked Beauty Energy: Lynn Laporte, Esthetician and Beautycounter Associate


It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you to my Multi-media Guest Blogger today, Roxanne Pappas Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod Radio Host of the show Wicked Energy.



Roxanne Pappas:

Wicked Energy:

Lynn Laporte, Esthetician and Beautycounter Associate


Replay Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Link To Replay The Show:




Decades of studies indicate that serious health issues (including, but not limited to asthma, learning disabilities, cancer and infertility) are on the rise, and due in some part to our ongoing exposure to toxic chemicals—whether it’s in the shower, on our commute, while we eat lunch at a local restaurant, or when we clean our kitchens at home.

Roxanne’s Guest:

Lynn Laporte

Esthetician/Aromatherapist/Certified Facial Reflexologist

Beautycounter Consultant

Phone: 774-836-0868


Roxanne and Lynn will discuss educating individuals on making more informed decisions and choices on the products we use every day. Her mission is to get safe products into the hands of men, women and children; products that do not contain harmful ingredients which may cause skin irritation, allergies, asthma, autism, disrupt hormones, infertility and cancer.


Did you know that there has been no federal legislation regulating the use of ingredients in personal care products since 1938?


That means the beauty industry, which is a five billion dollar industry, is at liberty to use whatever ingredient they want in the products we use on a daily basis.


Beautycounter along with the Environmental Working Group (EWG) are making every effort to bring awareness to the Federal Government regarding unsafe products and practices.



Beautycounter has a list of 1400 ingredients they will never use in their products, while EWG lists over 73 thousand products with their safety ratings.


Did you know that only 10% of 10 thousand chemicals found in personal care products have safety data? So what’s in your make-up bag?


Listen in to learn more!


You can find Lynn on her website, at www.beautycounter.com/lynnlaporte and on her Face book page. She can be reached at 774-836-0868 or via email at Lineem@hotmail.com





About The Guest Blogger and Radio Host: Roxanne Pappas is the Host of Wicked Green Energy, a show, dedicated to educating individuals about cutting edge green choices for the sustainability of our planet. She is also, an Independent Associate with Viridian Energy, a company that provides power from solar, wind and water directly to you, right now. You can help her reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Get in touch with Roxanne today!

Please visit her Facebook Page at Living It Up Green.


Contact: Roxanne Pappas/ Cell: 508-364-9964 / Email: RPappas7@Gmail.com


Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ and Author/Lecturer of the International award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. She has been featured in newspapers, on CBS News, in American Express Open, and published in medical journals. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com




From Chaos to Clarity

From Chaos to Clarity


Wouldn’t you just love to have a soup-to-nuts guide on how to recognize why you’re stuck, how to unstick it, and how to create a life you want – a life that works for you?

Alex Bratty was a superstar in the public-opinion polling field. One of the youngest partners ever in a prestigious Washington research firm, her job was to listen to people and find out what they think and how they feel. She tuned into their emotional responses to get deeply in touch with their “whys” in life.

The irony is that during the 15 years she was rising to the very top of her field, she wasn’t listening to her own inner voice to discover her true emotions, to pay attention to her deepest desires and to understand why she was so miserably stuck in her own life!



Through tremendous trial and error, she finally found her way. But, you don’t need to reinvent that chaos wheel.

Listen as author Alex Bratty shares her Chaos to Clarity journey with Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod ® radio show host Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos. And, how she’s giving other people the shortcut–through her remarkable book From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love–the essential quick-start guide to getting your life back on track.


Who amongst us hasn’t felt stuck at one time or another? Maybe you’re stuck right now! We all know that feeling of not knowing what to do next, or how to break out of the same old patterns of behavior, or listening to all that negative chatter that tells us we’re not enough. As Alex puts it, when this happens, we keep ourselves running in place, playing small and safe.

Help in the form of Alex Bratty is on the way!

Like having a personal coach encouraging you, urging you gently and specifically, From Chaos to Clarity, an Amazon.com #1 bestseller, gives you the tools to take back control of your life, to stop struggling and to focus on how to create a life you truly want, rather than one you think you should want.

Hear Alex explain to the audience how she personally knows that empty feeling so many of us possess. She wasn’t fulfilling her life’s purpose and she felt trapped in a life that was like a hamster wheel she couldn’t get off.

In her quest to find the missing piece, she embarked on a personal development journey that helped her uncover the true essence of what she wanted: to help people and to be of service in a way that would contribute positively to the world. In the book, Alex shares her own struggle with being stuck and how she moved from a life that felt unfulfilled, constricted, and frustrated to one that is expansive and filled with love, abundance, and joy.

Listen as Alex explains in her own words how she wrote From Chaos to Clarity to provide a step-by-step guide for clearing the gunk from your path and getting you moving with alacrity to the REAL life awaiting. Alex offers examples, charts to fill out and questions to ponder that lead you to the answers you may not have been able to discover on your own.

During this show, you will learn:

  • To understand what’s really keeping you stuck (not always what it appears)

  • To reprogram your mind to dash those limiting and long-held beliefs about yourself and others

  • To connect with your true self and recognize you already have the answers to your burning questions

  • To release the past once and for all

  • To embrace the present and the future whilst being open to all possibilities

  • To clear your mind so you can find space and time to create

  • To identify what you really want, your calling, and your higher purpose

There is help to getting unstuck in the mud of Chaos. Reach out and grab this helping hand!

Alex helps to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life and reminds you that you can have a life you love! She provides the tools to get unstuck and to be a deliberate creator of your own life! Alex shares how she reclaimed freedom, joy, love and abundance in all areas of her life. And you can, too.

“Learn the art of getting unstuck, and you will forever have a reliable formula for transforming any challenge and manifesting any outcome you want to create.”– Christy Whitman, NY Times Best-Selling Author

“A powerful book that charts a clear course from the darkness of being stuck to the bright light of clarity and opportunity. Read this book and transform your life!”- Tom Bird, Renowned Book Whisperer & Best-Selling Author

What areas of your life are not creating the results you desire? This radio interview is meant to help you. What is your chaos? In order to change it you must first claim it. Write it in the comment box and then give it to the Universe. The Universe is always listening.

About Author and Guest Alex Bratty. Alex is a Certified Coach, Best-Selling Author, & Professional Speaker | Helping Individuals & Organizations Beat Work Burnout. Helping people transform #burnout, stress, and exhaustion into a work-life balance they love. Learn more about Alex @http://alexbratty.com/



About the Host: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® and Author/Lecturer of International award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for health, wealth, and love, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, and Wellenss Women 40 and Beyond: Dream Queen. Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. If you wish to be a radio show host, interviewed by Kat or wish to learn more about her go to www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com to make your dreams come true.

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: # 2- Early Morning Dreams vs Midnight Dreams

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: # 2- Early Morning Dreams vs Midnight Dreams


You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room on my door. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our waking-life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority.

Your Question: Do early morning dreams come true or is only the ones we dream at midnight?

Yes, some early morning dreams can come true and they are known as Precognitive Dreams. The best way to know if your early morning dreams do come true during the day is to keep a dream journal beside your bed so you can watch for dream validation during your waking hours.

Validation can come in the form of someone saying something to you that you suddenly remember from your dream, it can be something you saw in your dream, or a situation that was worked- out in your dream.

Early morning dreams are the easiest to remember because you are coming up from the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) level of sleep through the Theta Level. The Theta Level is often used for healing.

How will you know if your dreams come true if you don’t have a way of going back to see what the dreams were or what the validation was in your waking-world.

Precognitive dreams are:

•   Dreams that come true

•   Dreams that show you a bit of the future

•   Validated in the waking- world


In your dream-state you may travel the time continuum, or you may receive important information from your spirit guides or guardian angels.

Your guardian angels are an innate gift. You are their job and they take that job seriously and often speak to us with words or PICTURES in dreams.

My dreams warned me that my doctors had missed my breast cancer all three times. If I had not believed my precognitive dreams validated by pathology reports that helped me self-advocated for additional tests I’d be dead.

Download your FREE dream journal to start a journal tonight here @ http://bit.ly/My-Free-Gift-to-You


Precognitive dreams in the book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions- Surviving Cancerland.

published medical study done by Dr. Larry Burk. 2015 May-June Volume 11, Issue 3, pages 193-198Warning Dreams Preceding the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: A Survey of the Most Important Characteristics Page on explorejournal.com http://www.explorejournal.com/article/S1550-8307%2815%2900034-8/abstract

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream question. Ask me anything in the comment box.

Join me next time on Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series- #3 Dreams and Dreaming


ABOUT Dream Expert Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com Download your free DREAM gift http://bit.ly/My-Free-Gift-to-You

(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)