Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series #4: Dreams vs Reality

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series #4: Dreams vs Reality


You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign on my door that I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our waking-life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority.

Your Question: How do you tell dreams from reality? Are dreams less vivid?

Dreams can be as vivid as reality while you are in the dream state, and that is why one of the types of dream we can have is known as a Waking Dream.

Waking dreams fell like a dream joke. We think we have awakened, are preparing for work or school as we do during our daily routine, and then when the door to the bus or our car opens we see the driver is Harry Potter.

Ding-ding! You are still dreaming.

We wake up and want to pinch ourselves to be sure it’s was a dream and that now we really are awake, because a waking dream can consist of multiple doors. We are relieved when we think we just woke up from Harry Potter, only to find that as we walk out our front door we are now in Jurassic Park.

When do the dreams end and reality begin? “Am I stuck in my dream world FOREVER?” you might ask.

These waking dreams can be so ludicrous that we actually laugh ourselves wake. So how do we know when the dream has stopped morphing between tricky dream realities and our car is just a car?

Pain is awakened reality. Pain wakes us up. Also, true reality has validation.

However, you can also have a Precognitive Dream that is validated in reality, such as a medical report, or meeting the person in your dreams from three nights ago in a movie theatre when you sit beside them.

Dreams are magical.

A vivid Lucid Dream is part of your reality. Reality is grounded. An example would be not flying through the air with just our bodies when we are awake.

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream question. Ask me anything.

Please join us next time on Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: #5 Celebrity Dreams.

ABOUT Dream Expert: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ & download your free DREAM gift

(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)

Have YOU Met Your Physician-within,Yet? 3 Ways to Access Them in Your Dreams

Have YOU Met Your Physician-within,Yet? 3 Ways to Access Them in Your Dreams


Have YOU Met Your Physician-within,Yet? 3 Ways to Access Your Dreams (VIDEO)


Have you met your Physician-within, yet? Set the intention to meet this important part of your life tonight before going to sleep. Here are three steps to get you started:


1.)   Intention is the first step in manifesting information in your dreams. A simple request is all it takes. “I wish to meet my Physician-within in my dream tonight.”


If you are new at this experience and feel the need to truly ground this request, the second step is


2.)   Write your intention on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow. This is one way to “sleep on it.” A play on words that holds profound meaning.


Our dreams often use a play on words to speak to us. “Washing your hands” of a situation, kicking something in the dream “to the curb,” are two examples that come to mind of ridding yourself of a problem as a means of solving a challenge. So tonight, sleep on your intention and remember not to forget your dream. You can set that as a third step and another intention:

3.) “And please let me remember my dream!”


Make sure your dream journal, pen and a flashlight is beside your bed. If your dream awakens you, it may be telling you to write down important information before you have a chance to forget it. This often happens in multiple dreams. Rather than waking up your family by turning on the lights, use the flashlight beside your bed.

If you do not own a dream journal, click on the gift link at the bottom of the article and download one for free in 7 Steps to Access, Awaken and Activate Your Inner Guide.

I met my Physician-within in my dreams. She introduced herself as Dr. Jules and the information she imparted about having three cancers, not just the one my earlier dreams had found, saved my life. That dream titled, Three Crabs, is in my book, and also in Dreams Cloud.

As an R.A. Boch Cancer Hotline Counselor, I’ve found that my story is not unique. Many women told me they knew something was wrong with their bodies and had dreams about their cancer, but did not take those intuitive dreams seriously. What does make my story special is that I did follow my dreams. My five minute video tells the story in film. This blog is a short version of my story in words, which is from my book SURVIVING CANCERLAND: The Intuitive Aspects of Healing.


My Physician-within came to my rescue when the medical community and the tests on which they relied missed my breast cancer three times. That is as lucky as winning the lottery three times in a row. Luck had little to do with it, Divine Intervention did. Science goes so far and then comes God, often in dreams. My first cancer was stage 2, my recurrence was stage 4 and the end stage of zero.


There is almost always a point in the process of illness where logic, reason, and medical expertise fail. It is at this point a patient can slip through the cracks, often never to recover.

However, we hold all the answers to our well-being. Dreams are the key to the solution.


Dreams are the way our Eternal Teacher, aka ET, phones home for help. Someone always answers the call. We are never alone in our darkest hour.


My story is about healing using both conventional and holistic medicine. I survived aggressive cancer by combining chemotherapy and radiation to heal my body with dreams, and used meditation and prayers to heal my spirit for total wellness. Laughter is also medicine and my husband of 33 years and I laughed “until we healed” because illness affects the whole family.

Using all of these modalities, especially dreams, gave me a healing greater than the sum of its individual parts. This also gave me the strength to stand in my power and speak my truth in order to win at the “Hospital Policy Game.”

I learned 3 important lessons that took me from a Survivor to an empowered Thriver.


1.) Life is not a spectator sport, so roll up your sleeves, jump into the game and be a part of your health team.

2.) Don’t be dismissed by those in authority. Teaching them to listen to you may save your life and be of service to others in the future.

3.) Be a persistent squeaky wheel until you are heard.


I have now been cancer free for 12 and 17 years respectively.



Dreams were an important part of your diagnosis and healing process. Five years after my second treatment, I had another dream. In it Dr. Jewels, my Physician–within, stood with my Spirit-guide, took my bag of chemotherapy and threw it into a trash can.

The message in the dream was loud and clear. I am not in remission. I am healed!




Your Free Dreams and Journal Link:



Bio- Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos believes dreams diagnose your life. Did you have a déjà-vu or dream come true? Kat survived three cancers diagnosed by dreams. Multi-Award winning International Bestselling Author of Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing, Columnist, Dream Expert, Keynote Speaker, TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod; she’s featured in magazines & newspapers, on NBC News. Learn more @ .

Have YOU Met Your Physician-within,Yet? 3 Ways to Access Them in Your Dreams

A Woman to Woman NEW YEAR Resolutions: Wants vs Needs

Kat, what is your New Year’s Resolution?” a friend asks over lunch. “Mine is to give up cigarettes and sugar” she says, while shaking a packet of sweetener substitute into her coffee.

Mine’s to not give up anything and to put myself first,is my answer. “Then I’ll refocus on implementing the difference between wants and needs in life.”

My friend stops stirring her coffee, peers over her sunglasses, and asks, “What do you mean by that?”  

The concept of “care-giver first” and the difference between want and need were clearly alien to her. For the longest time they were to me, too.

Crisis can re-prioritize your life.

These concepts introduced themselves during radiation therapy while battling breast cancer recurrence. The side effects of emotional emptiness were more severe than treatment burns in some women because they were unaware of the importance of soul self-care.

Unfortunately burn-out is an equal opportunity state of emotion that affects men, too.

Statistics show that women worldwide are the main care-givers in life who share unconditionally until there is nothing left. Their inner well runs dry. Lately, an alarming pattern of self-induced emptiness has emerged during these uncertain economic times.

Part of the problem is not distinguishing between wants and needs.

Families have many wants, and care-givers try to meet those wants as needs; a terrible burden to carry. Care-givers are burned-out from giving so much of themselves to those who want more than is available. The result is nothing left to give to people who truly need help, including themselves. Weak emotional boundaries crumble under the weight of want. Medication and psychotherapy fills the void and dulls feelings of frustration and failure.

When the spirit suffers the body cries out with symptoms of dis-ease. Listen to yourself.

Now is the dawning of a New Year. Here are three resolutions that are antidotes to emptiness. They are written as choice-affirmations that complement and empower the people who choose to live them.

  • “I will choose to love and embrace myself.
  • “I will choose to put myself first and give myself permission to be number one in my life.
  • “I will choose to build strong defined boundaries using the power of “NO!” as a tool.

Saying “no” to others is difficult because care-givers love to please, and will go without so others may have more. Some of this is care-giver conditioning. It may be time for retraining.

Recondition yourself. Say “Yes!” to you, which can automatically so “No” to imbalance.

When going through chemotherapy, my psychotherapist armed me with a powerful mantra as an aid through the uncertainty of treatment. “You are number one. No one and nothing is more important than you.” She was right! As a cancer hotline phone counselor and mentor, that mantra is still important, today. How can an empty counselor give to others?

Fire up your heart with self-love. You want to be embraced but need to hug yourself first.

The importance of the mantra was even more evident during the Stitch-n-Bitch (as we liked to call ourselves) radiation therapy group. Women who had been the sole care-givers of their family were suddenly discarded when circumstances shifted and they needed care. These women said that without the love and devotion of their lovers or significant others, they were nothing. They lacked the power to survive.

Their chances for a full recovery were challenged by their depression and feelings of emotional emptiness. Our little group spent hours discussing wants versus needs. So deep were these discussions that the nurses, radiologists and counselors listened in and took notes.

We came to some profound conclusions.

We want others to love us, but we need to love ourselves. We want a big beautiful house, but we really only need a roof over our heads. We want to eat in fancy restaurants, but we just need nutritious food. The lists of wants versus needs were endless. Realizing the difference between them, however, was the first step in becoming emotionally, physically and financially fulfilled. Trying to meet the endless demands of keeping-up-with-the-Jones’ is expensive on so many levels. The reality of trying to keep up with Reality TV can be emotional and financial bankruptcy. Understanding this truth is the first step to teaching it to our family.

Putting reality into practice will help us, as care-givers, become aware of our limitations.

It has been easy to fall back into old habits and become lax in practicing what that little group preached during those difficult times, so many years ago. Now, it is time to put want-versus need back into daily practice.

When something seems enticing, the question will be, “Is that truly needed, or just wanted?”

This New Year, focus on inner-balance. Embrace being kind and forgiving to you first, then practice good-will toward others. As you step out of your comfort zone it might feel odd, which may be validation that you are creating a new empowered habit. Seek out and join a community; a “sister-hood of women” (or men), as your support system. Their strength will keep you from feeling alone during times of despair and their resources will help you meet the needs of your family and friends.

Here is an example of an empowering statement to repeat that can help you settle into this new habit. When my body is fatigued, I will rest. When my soul is tired, I will meditate. I will surround myself with things I love like positive friends, pets, plants, music and fragrant candles while immersed in healing waters from a bath or shower.

Too many of us have lost a part of ourselves and are experiencing a void. Enjoying your favorite things will fill your soul with joy.

As with the Chinese yin and yang, which are seemingly opposing forces bound together, intertwined, and interdependent in the natural world, we are complex creatures comprised of body and soul. These two diabolically different parts must be in balance as a duality for complete health of body and mind. Like yin and yang, male and female, your body and soul are a dynamic equilibrium duo. If one disappears, the other must fade as well, leaving emptiness.

When one part of self is full it flows into the other.

It is time to face forward into a New Year of balance comprised of yin and yang, love and self-love, and forgive mistakes we cannot change. We can learn from our past to build a positive future. The good news is a sisterhood or brotherhood of women and men is only a phone call, post or tweet away to help you refill yourself with the love you deserve and NEED.

Balance yourself. Take care of your soul and it will take care of you . . . then help others.


Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is TV Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod and Author/Lecturer of the International award winning, bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes Dream Therapy, patient advocacy and connecting with Inner guidance for success in health, wealth and relationships. Learn more @

(all photos are owned by the author)

Have YOU Met Your Physician-within,Yet? 3 Ways to Access Them in Your Dreams

Tips on Stress Free Happy Holidays


Quote: “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” 

William James

          Are you stressed beyond belief but cannot pinpoint exactly where it is coming from, or which challenge is the most annoying? Perhaps viewing stress from a different perspective can help find positive solutions.

Once again, the holidays are upon us. As we prepare to celebrate them by giving thanks for past successes while facing the changes we plan to make for the New Year in the form of resolutions, stress levels often rise. Especially, when we realize we did not meet our goals from last year.  Such is life in the fast lane. Welcome to the real world. The good news is you are not alone. This year resolve to be successful in your resolutions by turning stress into a positive game.

Dreams, Prayers, and Meditations are three under-utilized innate gifts perfect for stress-reduction and resolution creation.

Your dreams are Sacred Doorways to Universal Wisdom that contains answers to all your daily challenges. Daydreams solve nagging problems. Your answers to prayers often come in the form of dreams or nightmares. Simple Meditations that focus on Breath and Gratitude can be done anywhere anytime and have been proved to:

  • lower blood pressure
  • increase focus and productivity
  • promote healing
  • and adjust your attitude.

Here is a very short meditation to help you through the holiday season. Don’t wait. You can start right now. Use it anywhere and anytime to de-stress.

1.) Focus on your breath flowing into your nostrils.

2.) Breathe in. Breathe out…

3.) Count five breaths.

4.) End with one deep breath.

5.) Repeat until your tension melts away.

6.) Give thanks for all you have including the Breath of Life.

You can do this simple meditation as often as necessary; in your work place, at home, or while stuck in traffic, with your eyes open, of course  No one will know you are de-stressing. You secret will be safe.

      Are you making New Year Resolutions that take too big a bite out of life to chew?

By focusing on a New Year resolution that is realistic you have a better chance for success.  Success reduces stress. Choose to set yourself up for success rather than failure which add to stress.

According to statistics, one of the most frequently implemented New Year’s Resolution deals with diet and weight.

Diet and weight are an important part of our physical and mental health. It is as simple as realizing that when we look good we feel good. When our favorite jeans fit, we are happy. Resolving to make that dream a reality is great. Let’s start by taking small bites, no pun intended.

Rather than saying you are going to lose a large amount of weight by this time next year, break the resolution down into workable parts. Choose a realistic amount of weight loss, or gain, that you will chart weekly. Now you are working with yourself rather than against yourself by implementing a realistic and achievable goal that will display positive results on a chart.

Evaluation and accountability are very important in the success of a New Year Resolution.

Often the most difficult parts of a New Year Resolution is stating it in a way that is precise, measurable and can focus on success. This is called a behavioral objective which is a defined description of an expected experience. Behavioral objectives that are people oriented place the emphasis upon what the person is expected to do within a designated time period with testable measurements for evaluation, and accountability for optimum success.

One of the biggest problems with New Year resolutions is accountability and evaluation.

          The key to solving the accountability and evaluation issues is to develop a clear, concise objective.

Below is an example of a very simple precise and measurable New Year resolution that focuses on weight loss. The behavioral objective below has five parts;

1.) The defined time and weight

2.) What amount of weight that will be lost

3.) How it will be measured

4.) How the weight loss will be obtained

5.) The end result and time.

          Starting today, November 20th, 2015, over the next 12 months, I will lose 30 pounds of weight. My weight loss will be measured weekly on every  Monday using a scale and will display a 1/2 pound loss which will create  a 2 1/2 pound loss per month for 12 months, resulting in a total 30 pound loss by November 2016.  This weight loss will be charted and achieved by reducing the consumption of deserts and alcohol to only one serving per weekend and increasing twice the current amount of leafy greens consumed during at least one meal per day.

Here is a behavioral objective pattern for success that you can use for anything you wish to change in your life.  Although it is taken from the one above that focuses on weight, health and wellness, tweak it to meet your needs, time period, and objectives. Fill in the blanks so it becomes your successful Behavioral Objective New Year Resolution.


As seen today (date)_________by this time next year, (date)___________, I (your name)_________ will have (state your desired behavior)  _________________.  This behavior will be measured (how often) _____________by (device)____________, and will display (desired results)_____________ which will create (amount)_________ per (time period)__________. This will be charted by ______________ and success will be seen as (state new behavior)____________________________________.


Set up your chart. As you review your success on the chart you will be rewarded by accountability and evaluate. Now you are working with yourself for success.

Use your dreams as a GPS to keep you on the right road. If you miss a self-evaluation measurement see if you are reminded of it in a dream. Your dream may be validation that your inner-guidance is now part of your success team.

          Turn your stress into a game.

See how often you hit your mark on your daily or weekly objective. Reward yourself with a pat on the back when you fill in your chart. Now, you have bragging rights. Share your New Year Resolution Behavioral Objectives with your friends. Perhaps they would like to join you in this healthy game.

It is human to be stressed. Suffering through it alone is a choice. Choose to control your stress through dreams, prayers and meditations rather than allowing it to control you. Make resolutions you can keep.  And, enjoy your Happy Holidays.


By: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, TV/Radio Show Host/Producer, International Bestselling award winning author of Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing. Kat taught special education and psychology for ten years. She frequently taught and created Behavioral Objectives on Individual Educational Plans for students. Kat believes dreams can diagnose our life. Learn more @

Have YOU Met Your Physician-within,Yet? 3 Ways to Access Them in Your Dreams

Alzheimer’s: A Web of Shifting Dreams & Sophia’s Wisdom (AUDIO)

Are you ready to co-create a resilient, equitable and spiritually fulfilling future for humanity in community with the Earth? Being spiritually fulfilled does not mean adapting to any specific creed or religion, but rather embracing a sense of connectedness—of oneness with the universe. Two amazing people, Merry and Burl Hall tell us how they do it, despite living with Alzheimer’s Disease.

Burl Benson Hall is very open about his life with Alzheimer’s Disease. He was kind enough to share insights into this challenge which he embraces as part of his life-wisdom. Burl’s wife Merideth ( Merry) Hall lives her nameshe is one of the merriest people I have ever interviewed.

Burl is an author, philosopher (lover-of-Sophia), mystic, and retired counsellor. He writes with the editorial assistance of his muse and wife, Merry Stetson Hall, a retired teacher.

“I am Grandmerry Hall, a name given me by my grandchildren. During my 70 years of life, I have been a teacher, mother, grandmother, author, editor, care-giver, end-of-life mentor, and radio show co-host of Envision This connecting online listeners to visionaries. Folks tell me I embody “The Mother” archetype and Sophianic wisdom. This description humbles me and also moves me to offer my counsel as an Elder.”

Merry and Burl Hall are authors, co-hosts, and co-editors from Sabattus, Maine. What makes this team so amazing is the fact that Burl has Alzheimer’s, but he is quick to tell you he does not suffer from it. He simply exists with it, and embraces the daily lessons it teaches him. Merry is the loveof-his-life, Rock-of-Gibraltar, and editor of the books they create together.

During this interview Burl shared with listeners how having Alzheimer’s is much like “living in a constantly shifting dream where everything is only now. There is no past or future; only the big NOW. The insights Burl shares with listeners is absolutely astounding because he is never remorseful, or feels victimized, only grateful for the wonderful productive life he is still leading.

Their vision is to share with you, the listener, with Gaia, and with many, a vision of a healthy Earth and humane culture where our descendants and fellow creatures can thrive and flourish.

Merry and Burl explain how their mission is to co-create a resilient, equitable and spiritually fulfilling future for humanity in community with the Earth. “By spiritually fulfilling, we do not mean to adapt to any specific creed or religion. Rather, we mean a sense of connectedness—of oneness with the universe, our loved ones, our ancestors and posterity, and within ourselves. We are awakening the realization that we belong to the cosmic All.”

As a three time breast cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed my illness, I was astounded by the information Burl shared with his doctor to get the correct treatment for Alzheimer’s.

Listen to the answer Burl received from the medical community in the interview.

Merry and Burl Hall are the authors of SOPHIAS WEB: A PASSIONATE CALL TO HEAL OUR WOUNDED NATURE. Merry explains, “Sophia’s Web encourages you to discover how you can co-create individual, planetary and universal health. It also examines Burl Hall’s individual dreams, visions, passions, and missions, in the light of the Wisdom shared by great thinkers in all disciplines.

SOPHIAS WEB is calling out for you to become part of the healing of the Earth, all of nature, humankind, society, and yourself. Healing the wounded nature of humankind and the Earth is a primary mission of the 21st Century. It’s on the minds of millions; it’s on our minds; and it’s on yours. That is why we wrote SOPHIAS WEB and why we are hoping you will read it. In Sophia’s Web, Burl takes the reader with him ever deeper into the heart of Divine Wisdom.

On the radio show Burl and Merry discuss how:

  • Sophia’s Web is the saga of Hall’s journey from fleeting visions of Sophia in childhood to a mature, surrendered embrace of the Sacred Feminine which now underpins and informs his life, his work, and his connection with the earth community.

  • Burl’s primary belief, “is that the Goddess is the power by which all are born, maintained, and dissolved. It is she who weaves the entire web of life.”

Almost effortlessly Burl was able to acknowledge, at an early age, not only the feminine principle in the world but the feminine within himself. As with any male socialized within the context of industrial civilization, Burl experienced societal pressure to embrace the patriarchal perspective which prizes a way of life based on power and control. Yet, Sophia’s Web reveals a man who has moved through and beyond patriarchal programming to an integration of the feminine principle within himself, and who strives to apply Sophia’s wisdom in his life and work.

Rarely do we have the opportunity to hear an embodied male acknowledge what the author lays bare in this radio interview.

Together, we can co-create a more abundant future for our planet.

Burl Hall follows the thread within this web that connects his research in these fields to his personal mystical experience and dreams. “We are amazed by the opportunity the worldwide web offers us, a couple living on Social Security Disability and Social Security Retirement, to reach out to the world both through our writings and Sophia, the Spirit of Wisdom, which has woven the multi-dimensional aspects of our lives—personal, relational, cultural, intellectual, scientific, philosophical, and spiritual—into a cosmic web.”

Thank you, Burl and Merry, for this rare insight into such a beautiful mind and loving heart.


ABOUT THE GUESTS: Merry and Burl Hall are the authors of SOPHIA’S WEB: A PASSIONATE CALL TO HEAL OUR WOUNDED NATURE available on Amazon at: . The E-Book is available @ They are also the radio show hosts of Envision This @ and where they connect listeners to visionaries of a more resilient, abundant, equitable, and Earth-friendly future.


ABOUT THE HOST: Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos is a TV Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives ON Cape Cod Radio and TV, Author of International Bestseller & Multi-award winner Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing, and a 3x Breast Cancer Survivor whose dreams diagnosed her illness. She’s published in medical journals. Kat believes dreams diagnose your life. “Did you have a déjà- vu or dream come true?” Kat’s interpretations are in American Express Open Forum. She’s a Coach & “Go-to authority” on Beauty, Health, Wealth & Relationships, Keynote Speaker/Panelist/Presenter at International Associations, Columnist, & blogs on many professional sites. Kat taught Special Education and Psychology at USF.


All pictures, information and quotes used in this blog are used with the permission of the guests.