3 Keys to Unlock Your Millionaire Mindset

3 Keys to Unlock Your Millionaire Mindset


We’ve all heard about “that special mindset for success” often coined as the Millionaire Mindset, but does it really exist and can anyone develop it or must you be super-smart along with being super-rich?

These are questions often asked but seldom answered. This VIDEO will go beyond answering them to give you keys and show you how and why they work. They can work for you. The first step toward unlocking that door to success is to believe it can be opened.

If it can be opened, you can open it, too.

We know the door to success can be opened because you have seen the results in other people who have been success in finance, in love, and in life. So what makes them so different from you? Do they put their pants on differently, or do they think about putting their pants on differently?

Yes, that is a trick question.


Do the mega-wealthy or super successful have a different mind-set from most of the rest of society? Yes they do. And after spending a month studying the ultra-rich while vacationing on a 150-foot yacht that cruised up and down the coast of Italy and France from Sardinia to St. Tropez I realized anyone can embrace that Millionaire Mindset and make it work for them.

In this video from The Kat Kanavos Show that airs every Monday evening at 5pm Pacific Time from this website https://www.facebook.com/KatKanavosShow/?fref=ts (8 Eastern Standard Time),I share invaluable tips you can use to begin or further your journey toward success in wealth, health, and love.

During my trip through Europe I realized their mindset for success in the world of big finance mirrored mine for success in the personal world of health; beating cancer three times.

First, what is your definition of success?

Boil your answer down to one sentence that you can write on a piece of paper.

Next, watch the video on how to get it.

It is easier than you can imagine but without changing thought patterns nearly impossible to implement.

Last but not least, put these tips into daily use until they become habits.

Watch how quickly your confidence and success shifts your Mindset into a growth spirt of strength. Confidence and success feed your Mindset. They are to your thought patterns what rain and sunshine are to your garden.

This VIDEO talks about 3 Keys for Success.

  • Self-Advocate. Never be afraid to self-advocate for your life, beliefs or wants.
  • Challenge the status quo. If it were never challenged, the word would still be considered flat.
  • Be heard! Stand in your power and speak your truth. This key goes hand-in-hand with key number 1 and 2.

The rich, super rich, and mega-successful use these keys every day. They make their success. You, can too. Try it. Start now by watching the video and practice what you learn. Begin with how you get dressed in the morning. Dress with confidence. As you pull on your pants KNOW you can do one successful thing today by advocating, challenging, and being heard.

Don’t take “No!” for an answer and don’t be dismissed.

If you are in rags, wear them like robes with your head held high, and see how quickly someone ask, “Did you cut your hair?” That is a key to success.


Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ and Author/Lecturer of the International multi-award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, The Kat Kanavos Show Host on New Earth International, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, and Realities of Creation, PATHEOS Blogger and Internationally Syndicated Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. She has been featured in newspapers, on CBS News, in American Express Open, and published in medical journals. Learn more @ www.KathleenOkeefeKanavoshttp://www.patheos.com/blogs/aboveandbeyondthe5senses/




Post-Holiday Depression: A Spiritual Message From Self? (Part 3 of 3)

Post-Holiday Depression: A Spiritual Message From Self? (Part 3 of 3)

 Quote: “Old habits are hard to break. It’s like toilet training your inner-child. Don’t give up on them.” ~Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos 

What are the warning signs and symptoms that your anxiety is progressing to overwhelming stress that may become depression? And, what can you do to prevent it? Part three of this three-part series on post-holiday depression focuses on holistic cures, solutions, and preventions to the after-party-blues.

Some of us are natural care givers by nature. We live to help. We love to give. Our nurturing mother-within thinks carrying other people’s troubles for them it will lighten their load. It doesn’t. It just makes your life heavier. And that is depressing.

Understanding and embracing this rule-of-life teaches us an important lesson—We cannot carry other people’s “stuff”, talk their talk for them or walk their path for them. We can respect their life-lessons to be learned by them. And, perhaps our lesson may be to respect and love them enough to let them make mistakes and learn from those lessons.

Temporarily offer your shoulder but not your back. Let me explain.

There is a big difference between being spiritually supportive and being an emotional mule. A supportive person lends a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on. A mule carries the weight of the world on their back while refusing to focus on their own life and issues—this is avoidance. It only takes another challenge to be the straw that breaks the mule’s back and sends them spiraling into depression.

Be the shoulder to cry on with a non-negotiable time limitation.

According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, as little as a thirty-minute cardiovascular routine can provide an immediate natural mood boost similar to the effects felt after taking an antidepressant medication. This healthy holistic response can be due to endorphins released by the body during exercise. The same effect can be accomplished by a daily routine involving a brisk walk.

The Mayo Clinic advocates acknowledgment of stress and talking about and speaking with professionals about depression as a big step in working through it.

Here are additional ways to combat post-holiday depression:

  • Return to or begin eating a healthy diet.
  • Re-establish and maintain a regular sleep pattern
  • Do something once a day that brings you joy

Our mind is a beautiful thing. Experience can teach us that we manifest not only what we want in life but also what we need. Sometimes that need is to slow down, reassess our lives and reconnect to inner guidance through dreams, prayers, and meditation. Depression can serve us in this capacity. It is not an enjoyable experience and few of us would choose to go through it again. However, it can be a sign from inner-guidance that it is time to reassess our lives. By facing our depression rather than suppressing it, we can learn from it, use it to change our life, and ultimately respect it to survive adversity and illness.

Don’t let your post-holidays become something you dread.image1.png Instead, take steps to prevent the stress that can lead to depression during and after the parties have ended. Learn to recognize your post-holiday depression triggers. These may include financial pressures and personal demands. Focusing on solutions that work for you can help disconnect those emotional buttons that trigger depression. Combat triggers with awareness before they lead to a meltdown. With a little planning, awareness, and positive thinking, you can find peace and joy during and after the holidays.


KOK sm picABOUT THE HOST/AUTHOR: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. She’s Host of the Kat Kanavos Show on New Earth International, Patheos blogger, Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com


(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)

Writing with Bungee Cords: A Technique for Authors

Writing with Bungee Cords: A Technique for Authors


I really slept in late this morning. By late, I mean well past 12:00–noon. But then, I was up well past 2:00am finishing two more chapters in my book. Many 2s and wells there. Synchronicity?

Once I am writing “in the zone” it’s difficult to break my concentration and stop typing. 

“Leave the rest for tomorrow,” is not in my vocabulary. By mid-chapter, I am driven. Forget food and water.

I’m quite content in my self-inflicted jail cell.

This driven feeling is more than work ethic or time restraint. It is emotionally based. Painful memories must be dragged out of  hibernation, (often kicking and screaming,) from behind locked mental doors,  convert them into word and sew them to page before they can snap back into the dark bowels of my mind like a bungee cord. It is much like reluctantly remembering a nightmare months after having had it–a struggle on many levels.

So why would I inflict such masochism on myself?

How does that saying go? “Those who forget the past are destined to repeat it.” Your journal can become the skeleton for your book. My notes from my first battle with breast cancer helped me live through stage 4 the second time. Those journals and memories became my emotionally packed book.

My story is unconventional, but not unique. 

Doctors are human. Scientific tests are only as accurate as the people who perform and read them. Life is not infallible. But Inner-guidance from dreams validated in the waking world just might be.

My second book is more than halfway complete because I have my own style of cutting out my literary pattern and sewing it together with a running stitch that can be removed to make adjustments. 

I write the beginning and ending of my book–then fill in the middle.

By using this technique, I always know where I am and where I’m going with a story that is filled with impassioned twists and turns.  It gives me a mental edge–no floundering around in the dark while retrieving dark memories. I never feel like I have wandered off the books path. Rather than holding one tread of the story’s line in my mind, I have two. This extra balance anchors my writing so I can interject humor yet not wander away from the serious nature of the main theme.

Writing a book is much like sewing a garment.

Somewhere between the beginning and the end product, areas no longer fit. Some seams must be let out, others taken in, and extra material trimmed.

But, I always save my scraps because they could be the collar of another adventure.


Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ and Author/Lecturer of the International award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. She has been featured in newspapers, on CBS News, in American Express Open, and published in medical journals. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com

PATHEOS http://www.patheos.com/blogs/aboveandbeyondthe5senses/

https://twitter.com/KathleenKanavos https://www.facebook.com/SurvivingCancerlandtheintuitiveaspectsofhealing

Akashic Records and iCloud: Your Soul’s Download? (AUDIO)

Akashic Records and iCloud: Your Soul’s Download? (AUDIO)

The ancient Akashic Records and modern iCloud may have more in common than you ever imagined. As we progress deeper into the realm of storing invisible energy in the form of cyber downloads from our computers, smart-phones and other internet related devices are we tapping into a realm on the earth plane that runs parallel to the spiritual plane frequented by our spirit between lives- the realm that houses our Akashic Records.

Can iCloud be to our many computers what the Akashic Records are to our many lives? Is this all part of Universal Wisdom on multiple planes playing out parts in our multi-dimensional lives? Perhaps we are progressing back to the future with such ease we are unaware of our profound journey and just take it in stride. But many questions still haunt us.

Is there life before life? Can understanding your past lives improve your present one? And, is there such a thing as “karma”?

All these questions and more are answered during this incredible radio interview with award-winning Hay House author Dr. Linda Howe.

The radio interview link is posted at the end of this article for your listening pleasure.

Dr. Linda Howe is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Akashic Records. She has authored three bestselling books on the topic of Akashic Wisdom, and as we discussed her new book, “Discover Your Soul’s Path Through the Akashic Records, we discovered there is much more to life-and-death than the here-and-now.

What is the Akasha?

According to Dr. Linda Howe, Akasha is the energetic history of the Soul. It is said that the Akasha exists all around us.

Her fabulous in-depth explanation illuminated a lightbulb in my brain concerning life, death and our energy. When your body dies and leaves this realm of existence, the soul and its energetic energy continues to exist, and downloads this lifetime’s history into its records.

If that explanation sounds too far-fetched to be plausible, think about the impossibility of iCloud. Akashic Records-iCloud. It makes sense.

 iCloud makes sure you always have the latest versions of your most important things— documents, photos, notes, contacts, and more — from all your devices, all the time and accessible from anywhere night or day, 24/7… memories and information for decision-making. All you need to connect is your password. Can you find it by accessing your Sacred Dream Doorways? 

Now imagine if your Akashic Records were your lifetimes stored in a spiritual iCloud accessible from anywhere at any time, just like your computer information in iCloud. But, with the Akashic Records each new location is a new lifetime, and you have access to all those lifetimes, all those downloads, all that personal information.

 What are some of the benefits of connecting with your Akashic Records?

 They can:

  •  take your life from ordinary to ExtraOrdinary
  • give insights into the mysterious realm of spiritual exploration first popularized by Edgar Cayce (“The Sleeping Prophet”)
  • help understand and chang disheartening, dysfunctional and/or self-sabotaging habits and relationships.
  • help you discover your soul’s path
  • shift your consciousness,
  • find healing to positively transform your life

What if you could download job choices and lovers of lifetimes past to discover why certain relationships or financial decisions in this lifetime work while others do not. Imagine how much happier, easier and fulfilled your life would be. Rather than repeating the same poor choices over and over again your Akashic Records could afford you the ability to learn from you mistakes in the past…as in past lifetimes, to improve your present and affect your future.

Working in the Akashic Records can remove significant blockages. Understanding this seemingly “esoteric” topic can dramatically alter your life by addressing personal questions about phobias, unexplained illness, relationship issues, black sheep syndrome and much more. Breaking this enormous concept down into smaller pieces like the iCloud example can help with comprehending the concept of the Akashic Records. .

Some of us have intuitively figured out the process of using iCloud. Others needed instruction. It is much the same with the Akashic Records.

Your Akashic Records are an innate personal gift; your birth-right. No one else’s records are identical to yours. It is important to understand the “history” of your Soul and how it can inform and improve your life today. As with most things in life, there are unique ways to tap into the vast, energetic library of the Akashic realm to access and open your personal records.

The key is remembering your personal password. Just ask Dr. Linda.




About the Guest: Dr. Linda Howe is the founder of the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies. She shares her inspired curriculum and new insights into this mysterious realm of spiritual exploration, first popularized by Edgar Cayce, for modern day seekers. Dr. Howe is the first person to make the Akashic Records available to everyone through her proprietary Pathway Prayer Process© so they may utilize the Records as a spiritual resource for personal empowerment and transformation. Her work is accessed globally through her popular online courses, books, workshops, personal consultations and more. Learn more www.LindaHowe.com


About the Show Host: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ and Author/Lecturer of the International award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. She has been featured in newspapers, on CBS News, in American Express Open, and published in medical journals. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com


CLICK the LINK here to listen to the show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wickedhousewivesoncapecodradiont/2016/03/16/kathleen-okeefe-kanavos-show-whay-house-author-linda-howe-marie-saint-louis

(all photos, posters, etc., are either owned by the blog author or used with permission by the guest.)

An RSVP From Heaven?

An RSVP From Heaven?

Have You Ever Received An RSVP From Heaven?

We’ve heard, “You’ve Got Mail”, but what about, “You’ve got an RSVP from Heaven”? Since there is no “ping” coming from your computer or smart-phone, how would you even know, if you did get one?

Communication comes in many forms from many places and can show up at the weirdest times in the strangest events. It can also come from accessing your inner guidance. 

What happens when a clairvoyant spiritual medium battles anxiety, rejection, and skeptics as she brings her spiritual gifts to unique social events, some of which are very sexy; Like Playboy and Hustler sexy.

Clairvoyant and Spiritual Medium Marie Saint Louis has some once in a life-time stories to share with you! And she does, no-holds-barred, on the Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos show available at the bottom of this blog.

Marie shares her profound insights answers questions about messages from Heaven and gives a caller a LIVE Reading to guide her on her quest for a successful love-life.

She provides spiritual readings for people attending unique social events. RSVP!

Marie knows a thing or two about how relationships from the past can be a part of our present which can affect our love-life and health in the future.

Many of us are born into this lifetime without having tried up the loose ends of our past lives. We still need closure. Fortunately, we are given a chance again, in this lifetime, to complete our chosen tasks.

This lack of completion can affect everything we do now. Challenges we are currently facing may be extensions of these same challenges in our past lives. You may be wondering if this is true for you. Think about these points and see if any of them ring true for you.

Do you ever feel like:

  • you are making the same mistakes in your love life over and over again?
  • your job is a drain on you but you are afraid to quit?
  • if you make a change in your life you will regret it?

Have you ever said or thought these phrases:

  • “This job is going to kill me.”
  • “This relationship is draining me dry.”
  • “This situation is worrying me to death?”

Perhaps in your past life you:

  • did not end a toxic relationship and are given a second chance to do so now
  • had a job that killed you emotionally or physically
  • did not follow your dream of living a better life
  • found the love-of-your-life only to lose it and are given a chance to reconnect again, now.

During the interview, I realized how important it is for anyone looking for guidance or longing to hear from a deceased loved one to get the closure they need to move on. Hearing from a dead loved-one is a real gift from God.

*(used with permission by author, PR company & Publisher)

A highlight of the show was when Marie shared stories from her book, RSVP from Heaven such as:

  • her first event; a radio station sponsored swap meet held at an Arizona casino. Readers will feel like they have front row seats as they experience a Ladies Night, an adult lifestyle New Year’s Eve Party, and more.
  • taking part in three remarkable Hollywood Halloween parties sponsored by Hustler, Playboy, and MAXIM.

This interview is geared towards adults interested in life after death and how all of us are searching for answers to our lives. Although Marie enjoys conducting sessions for clients on the telephone and holistic events, her adventurous side calls her to reach people at places which are extraordinary.



About the Guest: Marie Saint-Louis is a clairvoyant and spiritual medium, teacher, and author with international cliental and a growing celebrity list. She frequently appears at private parties and events around the Phoenix area and other cities.


About the Host: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ , blogger and columnist to multiple online sites and magazines, International Award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, and contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com


Click here to LISTEN: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wickedhousewivesoncapecodradiont/2016/03/16/kathleen-okeefe-kanavos-show-whay-house-author-linda-howe-marie-saint-louis


*(all posters and pictures are owned by the author or used with permission.)