New Coffee Research and Cancer: “Drink Up and Live Longer!”

New Coffee Research and Cancer: “Drink Up and Live Longer!”

Coffee lovers wake up and smell the new research that may extend your life. It concludes that your cup or two of morning brew may be good for you, and increase your lifespan. Previous studies stated coffee might shorten your life by leading to life-threatening diseases like cancer. Recent research has changed that thought pattern. Now, a cup a day may chase cancer away. A cup-a-Joe may increase blood flow. The confirmation that my beloved coffee may be healthy has left me so happy it has awakened my inner poet. I promise not to rhyme anymore.

This new research is music to many coffee lovers’ ears and warms our soul which may also lead to a happier life. Science has already proven a happier life is a healthier life. As the research below shows, coffee may even reduce suicide and help patients suffering from Parkinson’s Disease.  Coffee may be the miracle answer.

However, it also appears that scientific research contradicts itself from one discovery to the next.

Like the New England weather at Harvard, if you don’t like the current scientific findings on a new health topic, wait five minutes, and it may change.

With over 400 billion cups of coffee thought to be consumed every year, coffee is one of the world’s most popular drinks.

What are the newly discovered health benefits and risks of drinking coffee?

Let’s begin with the risks. Coffee is not for everyone. People with caffeine allergies, glaucoma, epilepsy, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may want to stay away from caffeinated coffee. Harvard Research found that drinking eight or more cups daily has been associated with increased suicide risk.

The good news.  Two new studies, one in the U.S. and one in Europe, have found that drinking more coffee each day could lead to a longer life. The benefits may range from helping to prevent diabetes, protect heart rhythm, lower risks of high-grade prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, liver disease, naturally treat Parkinson ’s disease, and reduce mental health issues like depression and suicide.

For those infected with hepatitis C, drinking coffee may reduce DNA damage, increase the clearance of virus-infected cells, and slow the scarring process, which may help explain coffee’s apparent role in reducing liver disease progression risk.

According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation these studies tracked over 700,000 people across multiple ethnic groups in over 10 European countries and the U.S. It was discovered that even drinking decaffeinated coffee supplied benefits to individuals over those who did not drink the beverage. The studies have even dispelled the old myth that caffeine might increase the risk of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm. Drinking low-dose caffeine, defined as fewer than six cups of coffee a day, may even have a protective effect on heart rhythm.

Research published in the April issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, Researchers from the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center examined 5,100 men and women diagnosed with colorectal cancer within the past six months, and an additional 4,000 men and women with no history of colorectal cancer to serve as a control group.


“We found that drinking coffee is associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer, and the more coffee consumed, the lower the risk,” said Stephen Gruber, director of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and senior author of the study.


What about coffee and Parkinson ’s disease?

Coffee consumption seems to be associated with about one-third lower risk concerning Parkinson’s Disease. Caffeine appears to be the key ingredient because tea also seems protective and decaf coffee does not. Parkinson’s patients treated with the caffeine equivalent of two cups of coffee a day significantly improved movement symptoms within three weeks.

The studies concluded that consuming 1-2 cups of coffee per day resulted in a 12% lower risk of mortality and consuming 2-4 cups a day resulted in an 18% lower risk of mortality. These results in inverse rates of mortality to coffee consumption showed in diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and cancer.

How can coffee help prevent diseases from cancer and heart attack to suicide?

According to Nutritional, and USC News coffee is a complex mixture of compounds that have various biological effects, such as anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed that in addition to these properties, coffee is a source of polyphenols which have potent antioxidant properties, which helps cells cope with free radicals in the blood.

Do you know why coffee has been named the number-two healthiest beverage?

The Beverage Guidance Panel assembled to provide recommendations on benefits and risks of various beverage categories, found tea and coffee—preferably without creamer or sweetener—tied as the number-two healthiest beverages, second only to water. The studies in this article are published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The National Institutes of Health–AARP Diet and Health Study is the largest-ever prospective study conducted on diet and health. Its research concluded that people who drank six or more cups of coffee per day had a 10 to 15 percent lower mortality from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries, accidents, diabetes, and infections. However, the opposite effect was found when a study looked at people 55 and younger. Drinking more than six cups of coffee daily increased their risk of death.

The conclusion, according to, and based on all the best studies to date listed in this article, is that coffee consumption may indeed be associated with a small reduction in mortality, on the order of a 3 percent lower risk of premature death for each cup of coffee consumed daily.

 If coffee is good for the body is it also good for the spirit? Yes!

The Harvard Gazette explained that caffeine could lower the risk of depression among coffee drinkers because it stimulates the central nervous system which may act as a mild antidepressant by boosting production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline.

Harvard University researchers discovered that people who drank two or more cups of coffee each day appeared to have about half the suicide risk compared to non-coffee drinkers. A Kaiser Permanente study found that people who drank more than six cups a day were 80 percent less likely to commit suicide. According to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) drinking several cups of coffee daily appears to reduce the risk of suicide in men and women by about 50 percent. The new study was published online July 2, 2018, in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry.

“Unlike previous investigations, we were able to assess association of consumption of caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages, and we identify caffeine as the most likely candidate of any putative protective effect of coffee,” said lead researcher Michel Lucas, research fellow in the Department of Nutrition at HSPH.

Your takeaway message of these studies? The benefits far outweigh the risks.

Dr. Marc Gunter, author of the European study summed up the benefits of drinking coffee when he stated, “The takeaway message would be that drinking a couple cups of coffee a day doesn’t do you any harm, and actually, it might be doing you some good.”

Dr. Gunter’s summation was seconded by Dr. Veronica Wendy Setiawan, associate professor of preventative medicine at USC’s Keck School of Medicine, who led the study on nonwhite populations, when she said, “These studies and the previous studies suggest that for a majority of people, there’s no long-term harm from drinking coffee. Moderate coffee consumption can be incorporated into a healthy diet and lifestyle.”

For years my non-coffee-drinking husband would “tisk, tisk” my morning coffee routine and follow it up with, “Be stubborn about your health despite proof that coffee is bad for you. Just sayin’.” The current research is a new day dawning because now my husband brings me coffee in bed. And sometimes, to be sure it is perfect before saying, “This cup is for you,” he will even sneak a sip or two.

I know, I know! I promised not to rhyme. But, my coffee made me do it just one more time. I’m done!


About the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, as seen on  Dr. Oz Show, DOCTORS, NBC, and CBS, whose dreams diagnose her illness, and was a Dream Research Participant for Dr. Larry Burk‘s Dream Research. They co-wrote, Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She is a TV Producer/Host and award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships.  Learn more @


Photo credit:






Article Research:

Prostate Cancer Foundation-

What Do You Get From Drinking Coffee? – Medtrend,


Coffee | Health Topics |,

US Beverage Panel Recommendations

USC News

New Study Shows Coffee Health Benefits – Pcf, (accessed August 23, 2018).

Study links coffee consumption to decreased risk of colorectal cancer

April issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention

Coffee Drinking Tied To Lower Risk Of Suicide – Harvard ..,

Dr. Mark Gunter

Dr. Mark  Coffee Drinking and Mortality in 10 European Countries: A Multinational Cohort Study.

Dr. Veronica Setiawan

Harvard Gazette-

The Benefits of Lucid Dreaming in Our Waking World: Linda’s Story

The Benefits of Lucid Dreaming in Our Waking World: Linda’s Story

“Why should we care if we dream? What’s in for us?” As a Dream Expert, Dream Therapist, and Dream Author, the question of how, or even if,  our dreams can be of benefit to us in our waking world is often asked of me during tele-summits, in emails for my Dream Columns in magazines, and during dream therapy sessions with clients.


Your dreams, especially lucid dreams, are an incredible resource for guidance in your waking world.


According to Wikipedia, Lucid dreams are different from any of the other dreams we may have during the night because the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming.

During lucid dreaming, the dreamer may be able to have some control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment.


Yes, it has been written by many dream experts that your dreams are just “rapid fire brain waves during the sleep state that make no sense and have no benefits to our waking world. Even the esteemed Father of Dreams Dr. Sigmund Freud’s took a psychodynamic approach to dreams as “wish fulfillment” and “day residue.”


I beg to differ with these esteemed and learned professionals because I have the proof. If what they say and write were true, the proposed book proposal for Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases would not have gone into a bidding war two weeks after being sent out to publishing houses, and available on bookstore bookshelves eight months later.

Why is the book making such a big statement in the dream and medical community? Because, the lucid, diagnostic, and precognitive health and medical dreams shared by the 40+ patients were validated by medical pathology reports. This is new research.

What makes these Lucid Dreams so different from all the other dreams written about in medical journals and books? They were part of a blind study between lucid dream diagnosis and medical diagnosis. And, the dreams won.

The dream diagnosis came first and then was validated by medical pathology reports.  


This published research proves that dreams are not just random mental images fired off by the brain during sleep. The lucid medical dream stories are proof that dreams have a purpose and serve a purpose in our waking world. It also proves that dreams are a means of inner-communication that is very important for life.


Dead people don’t have a waking world.


One of the biggest benefits of Lucid Dreaming is the ability to control and change the ending of the dream. This change, or dream control, can be a form of psychotherapy.


An example is a client of mine who had a recurrent Lucid Dream of her abusive dead father.


Linda’s dead father began to appear in recurrent lucid dreams to tell her he loved her. These dreams had been recurring for many years, and they angered my client because she wanted her father to leave her alone. The lucid dreams were taking a toll on her health, wealth and relationships. Her father’s invasion into her dreams was causing her loss of sleep which was affecting her health, which kept her from work and caused Linda mental and anguish. Her marriage was also suffering from the Lucid Dreams that had become Lucid Nightmares.


My advice to her was to take control of her dream by changing its ending. We made a plan.


Rather than screaming herself awake the next time saw her father in her dream, she was to change the ending by doing three things:

  1. stand up
  2. greet him
  3. And tell him she loved him, too.

At first, Linda was reluctant to this plan because she said she did not love him, in fact, she said she despised him.

“Somewhere deep in your heart your inner ‘daddy’s little girl’ still loves him so you will not be dreaming a lie. Let your Inner-selves be a part of this healing process.” I said.


Linda agreed when she realized that without changing the ending of the lucid dream, it would continue as a recurrent nightmare and control her waking life as well as her dream world.


A week later Linda called me with some amazing news.


“I don’t know what happened to the hate I had been harboring for my father, but during the dream when my father stepped into the room and told me he loved me, I threw my arms around his neck and said, ‘Daddy, I love you too.’ The dream shifted into another dream, and I continued to sleep. I did not wake up screaming. It has been over a week, and the dream has not returned. I feel great because I have had a week of undisturbed sleep. I am going for a job interview tomorrow. “


The Lucid Nightmare stopped, and she never had them again. Her life healed. She no longer needed to attend expensive psychotherapy sessions that were not working.


Taking control of her dreams and changing the ending gave her control over her life and changed her waking world. Change your Lucid Dream ending and change your life for the better, forever.


About the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV Producer/Host and Author/Lecturer of Dreams That Can Save Your Life written with Dr. Larry Burk, Foreword by Berne Siegel, which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships. Contact –Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos Website


Article Research:

Lucid Dream Definition

Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs Of ..,

Meta Science Research Paper-

Olive Oil: 8 Secret Tips for 2019

Olive Oil: 8 Secret Tips for 2019

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates


OH, Baby, it’s cold outside! So tonight, plan to do something special, romantic and sexy for your loved one. Take a relaxing bath together with the olive oil from your kitchen! The secret to beautiful winter skin is out, and it comes in a bottle of olive oil from your kitchen. How intriguing is that?

Often secrets from the past will catch up to our present to change the future. An ancient hidden key to health has been revealed to us. The Super-food olive oil is not just for cooking, as shared in the recipe below. Live oil is also for beauty.

This article is a healthy skin recipe for the gorgeous, sexy you inside and out for 2019.

Did you know olive oil is a super-food that is also a beauty product that meets many physical needs? It creates a moisture barrier for your delicate skin during the harsh winter months, even while you are vacating on hot sun-kissed beaches, or when skiing on icy wind-swept slopes.

Cold pressed extra virgin organic olive oil is the oil of choice for this article.

Did you know olive oil can decrease the risk of breast cancer and recurrence? It can also reduce inflammation. Studies shared in Olive Oil Times, have shown olive oil’s oleocanthal phytonutrient mimics the effect of ibuprofen in reducing inflammation. Olive oil components currently being studied for their possible effects on cancer are  Squalene and lignansPure olive oil is very rich in vitamins A, E, K, minerals, and natural fatty acids.


One of the overlooked benefits of olive oil is how it nourishes, hydrates, rejuvenates, protects, prolongs and maintains skin’s elasticity and softness. It also helps skin cells regenerate and is perfect for sensitive skin which may react negatively to heavier pour clogging oils. Olive oil is so rich in antioxidants and found to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines that it is present in many expensive anti-aging skin care products because it has proven to be rich in antioxidants.

Follow your lucky stars!


Dr. Oz describes olive oil as, “An anti-aging wonder food with head-to-toe benefits that is also  Liquid Gold. I want every one of you to start using it every single day.”


“Before I go onstage, I drink olive oil. It’s disgusting, but good for your throat,” singer Selena Gomez told the UK’s Top of the Pops.


Australian model Miranda Kerr swears by mixing olive oil with a little lemon juice for shiny locks. “It’s a home recipe my mother taught me, and I have yet to find a better way to repair my split ends after a catwalk show,” she told French Elle magazine.


With such a long list of olive oil benefits it was challenging to choose 9 beauty uses for you:


  • Facial Moisturizer- Use it full strength on your face and like the Greek women you may have beautiful skin.


  • Hair- Mediterranian people have glorious hair, and their secret is Olive oil hair conditioning which is easy and quick.


  1. Before shampooing, apply slightly warm to the touch olive oil to your hair, leave it on your locks for an hour, then shampoo and condition as usual. Shampooing twice may be necessary. It may be necessary to remove residual oil.
  2. After shampooing, add three drops of oil to 8 ounces of warm water for a final rinse that will give your hair a healthy glow. Only apply to the ends of hair that is naturally oily.



  • Makeup Remover- Remove stubborn “24 hour” and waterproof makeup with a small amount of olive oil on a damp cotton pad. Without scrubbing or tugging on sensitive skin gently wipe away all the makeup from your face. While it gently removes makeup, it nourishes your skin at the same time.
  • Bath Oil- Add it to your bath water for a healthy soak. Gorgeous Italian actress Sophia Loren has a beauty secret – she loves taking olive oil baths by adding two tablespoons of oil to her bathwater.


  • Body Moisturizer- Add a few drops to your body moisturizer for longer lasting hydration. It will also make your favorite products last longer.


  • Perfume- to increase the life of your favorite fragrance mix a few drops with your perfume.


  • Shower Oil- After your shower, distribute oil on your wet body, wait 30 seconds, and then gently pat skin dry. Your skin will glow!


  • Signature Fragrances-. Mix essential oils like lavender rose, or sandalwood with olive oil to create your own one-of-a-kind fragrance fit for a king or queen. Your fragrance can be as strong or light as you choose to make it. Apply it sparingly to strategic hot-spots; behind the ears or on wrists, or dilute it by spreading it all over your wet body after a shower for a combination of great smell and softness that will last all day long. Oil has a natural way of holding onto scents that outlasts alcohol-based fragrances. This is one reason why most oil-based perfumes are costly.

Your Olive Oil Food Recipe for the Holidays.


There are many flavors of olive oil. The rule of thumb is the darker the oil, the stronger the taste. Olive oil in dressings improve your skin, hair, and nails, and will nourish your body from the inside out.

It pairs well with apple cider vinegar which contains inflammation-fighting properties.

The latest research findings have shown that consuming a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily has health benefits for type 2 Diabetes, has been seen to help arthritis and heart patients, and it can help with weight loss.


Recipe: Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Salad Dressing


(Tips: Do not mix oil and vinegar together because they will not combine. Use the 3 to1 Rule of 3 Tablespoons olive oil to 1 Tablespoon vinegar.)

  • Rinse lettuce and shake off excess water. Do not pat dry. Add oil and toss. Residual moisture will help distribute the oil evenly and keep the lettuce from wilting from the vinegar acids.
  • Drizzle vinegar onto lettuce and toss again.
  • Season with salt and pepper or your favorite herbs to taste.
  • Remember, beauty starts from within. Organic is a great way to eat, but using organic products on your body is a healthy alternative to processed chemicals and dyes.

*You may substitute any vinegar for the apple cider vinegar.

TIP: For salads buy the best olive oil you can afford and use it strategically and sparingly.

Winter’s harsh elements can drain our natural oils and challenge our skin. By combining beauty with health a healthy state of being is created that is stronger than the sum of its individual parts. Stay strong with the olive-oil-glow of wellness. Like the Mediterranean Diet, olive oil is a great secret kept by some of the most beautiful women and men in the world.

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but healthy is a measurable fact.


A drop of oil is all you need in food and on your skin. By using it sparingly on your food, in your recipes, with your products, in the bath or directly on your body, a bottle of high grade extra virgin organic olive oil may last a long time. And, you will be reminded of its benefits every time you look in the mirror because the secret is now yours.



About Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos: VIDEO Podcaster, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, and Dream Expert seen on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Her Divine Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat and Duke U Dr. Larry Burk co-wrote Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She’s a Syndicated Columnist, TV Producer/Host and award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Divine-guidance through Dreams. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @

Photo credit:


Article Research:

Olive Oil Times

Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss –

California Olive News-

The World’s Healthiest Foods-

10 Celebrities Who Love Olive Oil-

Your Sexy Super-food Recipe For Love And Beauty In 2016,

VIDEO PODCAST- Dreams That Can Save Your Life: New Age or Rediscovered?

VIDEO PODCAST- Dreams That Can Save Your Life: New Age or Rediscovered?

We often see Dream Booths at New Age Conventions, but there is very little, if anything new about dreams because research shows they have been used as a source of information, guidance, healing and warning concerning illness, relationships, and mind, body, spirit, matters since before the Bible was written.

What is new is the rediscovery of dreams in modern times as an early warning sign of illness and diagnostic tools. Dreams are again taking their rightful place in the modern healing arena and changing the way medicine and the medical community views dreams.

During the Kat Kanavos Show LIVE, Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, co-author of the Bestseller Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases, co-written with Duke University Medical Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk, discusses the reintroduction of ancient dreams as a modern health tool. The Video Podcast is posted at the bottom of the article for your viewing pleasure.

Dreaming Temples have been around for at least four thousand years.

Two thousand years before the Asclepeion Healing Temples of ancient Greece (and Rome), there were the Sleep Temples of Ancient Egypt.  Imhotep who served as Chancellor and as High Priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis, built the first ones. These Dream Temples were built so the people of Egypt could get answers to daily concerns in their dreams because ancient Egyptians believed dreams were doorways to the gods. The Ancient Greeks and Romans continued the practice with their Asclepeion Dreaming/Healing Temples.  Dreams were used in the Asclepeion Temples for guidance on health-related matters.

They slept in their place of worship with their priests to get answers to personal questions.

The person with an important question like, Should I move;  Is this the right girl for me to marry; Why can I not get pregnant; Will this be a good year for crops; would enter the temple, lie on the floor, and sleep beside the priest with the intention of dreaming the answer.

They set their dream intention by asking the dream question they wanted to be answered.

The priest and the parishioner would dream in tandem, meaning they shared the same dream. Sometimes the person would not have a dream, but the priest would have a dream for them. Upon awakening, the priest would use the guided-dream to help the person make decisions and life changes.

How is it possible for someone to dream for someone else? Does that still happen today?

Dreaming with and for others has been going on for a very long time; thousands of years to be exact, and just as there is a whole section in the book Dreams That Can Save Your Life dedicated to Dreaming for Others that shares shared dreams that were validated by pathology reports, there are a number of incidences of Dreaming for Others in the Bible.

My favorite is Daniel 2:34, 2:44 concerning life and death in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court.

King Nebuchadnezzar had a bad nightmare and called all of his court dream interpreters, soothsayers, magicians, and card readers together and said, “I just had an awful nightmare. If you cannot tell me my nightmare AND what it means I will have you all killed.”

The court dream interpreters said, “Tell us your dream, and we will gladly tell you what it means.”

“No. If you are as gifted as you say you are, tell me my dream and interpret it. If you cannot then you are a fake and you will die with your family.”

Well, the court ran home and started to pack because they had told the king no one could interpret someone’s unknown dream, and the King was furious.

Daniel heard what had happened at court and since he was part of the court the death sentence applied to him as well. Daniel told the King that with his God’s help he could dream the King’s dream and interpret it for him because it was really God who was sending the dreams and interpreting them.

The King told Daniel he would wait one day for the interpretation before he killed everyone.

Daniel went home, and with two other friends, dreamed the King’s dream, went back to court, and interpreted it for King Nebuchadnezzar, and saved everyone’s life, including his own.

Was dreaming for someone else an ancient once-in-a-lifetime miracle? No! It happens often.

Dreaming for others still happens today and is validated by medical and scientific tests. In the book Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases. Chapter 8 contains an amazing story of a daughter who had a dream warning her of her mother’s cancer and imminent death and her own future breast cancer.

After her mother was diagnosed with colon cancer and died, Paulette told her oncologist and gynecologist of her warning diagnostic precognitive dream, but they would not believe her. For the next five years, Paulette faithfully got yearly mammograms and checkups and was told she was healthy. Five years after her precognitive dream she was diagnosed with breast cancer that the oncologist told her had been growing for five years.

Did Paulette have a dream of Biblical Proportions or a dream anyone can have?

Paulette not only dreamed a precognitive diagnostic dream for herself, but she also dreamed it for her mother.

Dreaming for others may sound like an impossibility or extremely rare, yet Part Eight of the book Dreams That Can Save Your Life contains half a dozen stories of people dreaming for others, and those dreams are validated by conventional scientific medical reports.

Please enjoy your Kat Kanavos Show on New Earth TV:



About the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a VIDEO Podcaster, a three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, and Dream Expert as seen on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Her Divine Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat was an R.H.BLOCH Cancer Hotline Mentor, a Participant for Duke University’s Dr. Larry Burk‘s Breast Cancer Dream Research Program. They co-wrote, Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She is a Syndicated Columnist, TV Producer/Host and award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Divine Spiritual-guidance through Dreams. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @


Photo credit:


Sleep Temples

Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning signs of Cancer and Other Diseases

Expert Healing Panel: Recovery, Animals, MindShifts, and Chakras- OH MY!

Expert Healing Panel: Recovery, Animals, MindShifts, and Chakras- OH MY!

Our Healing Expert Panelists on The Kat Kanavos Show LIVE Video Podcast is Dr. Jane Galloway (Recovery), Helen Brennand (Death of a Child), Dr. Donna Blevins (Stroke Survivor), and Denise Mange (Chakra Animal Healing) are here to share Stories and Tips on how to heal from crisis.

What struck me as so profound about this particular Healing Panel is that every expert not only talks their talk but has walked their walk to wellness.

Their journey brought them from emotional, physical and spiritual crisis to health.

These panelists do not tell you how to heal from books they have read. They guide you using personal writing and healing experiences which make their interviews rare gems in a world of second-hand information bombardment. The one thread that runs through all four of these profound healing stories is how the Universe has all the answers to our deepest challenges.

Those answers are contained in Universal Oneness of all life.

  Dr. Jane Galloway– Visionary leader, recovery educator, and author shares her personal experience of traveling the 12-Step Path as a person in recovery, teacher, counselor, and minister for over 3 decades. This journey and a clear template for supporting Stage Two Recovery with body, mind, and spirit tools is the basis of her message and book, “The Gateways- The Wisdom of 12-Step Spirituality, published by Sacred Stories Publishing.

The Gateways helps you step into the spiritual awakening promised in Step 12.

Addiction is a symptom of deeper traumas, and core wounds are persistent if not treated. Jane’s Gateways offers a comprehensive support for Next Stage Recovery. “After Stage One Recovery, and a dedicated working of The Steps should come a launch into a lifelong process of integration of body, mind, and spirit beyond ‘illness’, and toward ever-expanding wholeness.”

For Stage One Recovery, “the rooms” are amazing and transformative. But once all of the Steps have been worked, and some stability and restoration to sanity and purpose are established, it is time to conquer new developmental goals.

Strength-based recovery pulls forward the strengths of a person and develops those goals.

“While the 12-Steps are a universal system for psycho-spiritual growth, the actual program of AA was designed to get people sober and back to life…period. It is a recovery program, not a system of evolutionary, growth-oriented living.” ~Dr. Jane Galloway


T.R.I.B.E: Transformation/Realization/Inspiration/Belonging/Expression


Helen Brennand, author of Belief, and an equine professional based in England is an accomplished holistic therapist who has a passion for horse welfare and a respect for them as sentient beings. Her deep love for horses is a result of them rescuing her from the deepest depths of despair only a mother can experience.

Her horses nurtured her through a period of immense sorrow after the loss of a child.

Miraculously, her suffering is swept away through an intimate connection to a small heard of horses when Helen became part of the herd. The horses embrace her and through their unspoken communication, she saw the truth of her life, her mistakes, and her fears. It was the tiniest horse in the herd that gave her the biggest healing.

This horse-nurturing culminates in a beautiful and unexpected spiritual awakening.

Complimenting her writing, Helen’s time is now dedicated to her horse sanctuary center The Haven, founded to give back the healing she received, and to ensure a lasting and safe place where a horse’s inner-wisdom is free to be released and allowed to shine.


 Dr.Donna Blevins says, “Be careful what you ask for because God and the Universe always listen so the answer may be more than you bargained for.” Dr. Blevins wanted validation that her MindShift exercises worked. She got it!

Her message is all about how to instantly shift out of fear, anxiety, worry and being overwhelmed by anchoring yourself in a new reality that leads to profound positive life-changes.

Donna was hit with what she calls her Stroke-of-Genius when she was struck by a stroke that blocked the flow of blood to the central part of her left brain, the area that controls speech.

Airlifted to the nearest hospital that could treat her condition, her life was saved but her words were lost…except for two…Donna, and Crap!

During this panel interview, you will HEAR Dr. Donna Blevins share her miraculous recovery, in her own words, that includes her journey into the depths of her mind in search of her lost words, and how she used her MindShift Exercises to speak again.

Three days after her massive stroke she spoke.

The medical community called it a miracle. Donna called it proof that her exercises work. She had asked God for a sign and boy-oh-boy did she get one. Her book, MindShift on Demand is all about Quick Life-Changing Tools.


  Denise Mange talks about how your pets reflect your energy patterns impacting their behavior, and your relationships. After a decade of working at some of the most prestigious agencies in New Your City, Denise left the glamor of Madison Avenue to pursue a true sense of fulfillment and soul purpose which she found in working with dogs.

As a Pet Intuitive and Pet Numerologist, she promotes A New Way Forward in Pet Guardianship.

Denise Mange’s unique intuitive approach to dog training combines obedience fundamentals with energy balancing strategies and tools.

Did you know that a dog’s on-leash reactivity can indicate an imbalance in the first chakra for pets and humans? Or, that puppy nipping could be an invitation to revisit the third chakra and patterns around stepping into your power? Your first chakra deals with energies around grounding, survival, safety, financial security, and victimhood. In animal companions, the owner’s blockages may be reflected back as on-leash reactivity.

Healing with Chakras Program Pet Prana deals with the imbalance of the chakras for pets and humans and focuses on how they can heal each other.

During the interview, each panelist shares in detail their crisis and profound healing journey that culminated in a healing that even surprised them. They wrote books to share their step-by-step process of wellness to help other people in crisis realize there is a way out of the dark and into the light.

During the Video interview, posted below for your viewing pleasure, each of the authors shares one important BONUS Healing Tip for you.



Bio: About Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos: VIDEO Podcaster, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, & Dream Expert seen on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Her Divine Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat and Duke U. Dr. Larry Burk co-wrote, Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She’s a Syndicated Columnist, TV Producer/Host and award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Divine-guidance through Dreams. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @

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All photos and posters used with permission by authors



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Dream Buster: Recurrent Dream Messages and You.

Dream Buster: Recurrent Dream Messages and You.

Dreams that Recur have a message for you. Do you need a Dream Buster? “What does it mean if I keep having a recurring dream? And, how do I make it stop?” Persistent sounds that emerge from ghosts in the night need a Ghost-Buster, but who can do that work in the dream world. “Who ya’ gonna call? Dream-Buster!”

This is the cry for help message that greeted me this morning in my emails. Someone needed help with a dream that would not leave them alone, much like a pesky ghost or a persistent mosquito that comes out in the night, hiding from the light by lurking in the dark shadows of life.

A dream that keeps playing in our dreaming mind also will not leave us alone. It lurks in the dark corners of our mind, waiting for the lights to be distinguished, and then it attacks, again and again. The pesky mesquite like dream awakens us with its persistence. It cannot be ignored and will not go away.

What is a dreamer to do to get a good night’s sleep?

A dream that you keep dreaming over and over is known as a Recurrent or Recurring Dream. According to Wikipedia the definition of a recurring dream is:

a dream which is experienced repeatedly over a long period. They can be pleasant or nightmarish and unique to the person and their experiences.

Recurring Dreams happen when you did not remember, or understand the dream message information the first time you dreamed it. This was seen in many of the multiple dreams of the dreamers in the book Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases, based on the Diagnostic Dream Research Work of Duke University Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk. Your inner-guidance is using dreams to communicate something important, but you are not “getting it.”

Understanding a dream message is also known as solving the riddle of the dream.

The majority of recurrent dreams usually appear as a nightmare so you won’t dismiss the information in the message. According to Psychology Today dream theorists generally agree that recurring dreams are connected to unresolved problems in the life of the dreamer.

It is easy to forget a nice dream but difficult to ignore a frightening nightmare.

Recurring dreams reflect the presence of an unresolved or persistent conflict in an individual’s life. Remember, dreams may speak to us with signs and symbols. If you keep missing the message, your dream environment may shift into a nightmare to get your attention.

People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can often suffer from recurring dreams.

These dreams are thought of as chronic nightmares that act as a symptom of PTSD. A study found that the degree of trauma had a positive relationship to distress related to dreams

Recurring dreams appear during tough or emotional times in our lives. Like nightmares, they are also often a call-to-action, which can be a good thing if it helps solve a challenge in our life.

So the next time you have a pesky recurrent dream/nightmare rather than trying to ignore, swat or kill it as if it were a bug, try embracing it as if it were a beautiful butterfly, the symbol of transformation and life, because your recurrent dream may be trying to transform your life.


About the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, as seen on  Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, and CBS, whose Divine Dreams diagnose her illness, and was a Dream Research Participant for Duke University’s Dr. Larry Burk‘s Breast Cancer Dream Research Program. They co-wrote, Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She is a Syndicated Columnist, TV Producer/Host and award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Divine Spiritual-guidance through Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @


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Davis, J. L., Byrd, P., Rhudy, J. L., & Wright, D. C. (2007). Characteristics of chronic nightmares in a trauma-exposed treatment-seeking sample. Dreaming, 17(4), 187-198. doi:10.1037/1053-0797.17.4.187

Barret, D. (2001) Trauma and Dreams. Harvard University Press