Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series #8: Recurrent Dreams/Nightmares

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series #8: Recurrent Dreams/Nightmares

You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign on my door that I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our waking-life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority.

Your Question: Can you give me an example of a Lucid Dream? I have a friend who is taking classes on becoming a Lucid Dreamer? Why are Lucid Dreams so special? Can you have a Lucid Dream without trying to?

Yes, you can have a Lucid Dream without trying to.

Here is an example of a Recurring Dream that was also a Lucid Healing Dream. Dreams can overlap.

A client was distraught because she kept having a recurring nightmare that would wake her during the night and leave her in a bad mood all day. And since she was always aware that she was having the nightmare it was also Lucid. She would be in an epic dream sitting in her living room watching reality TV when suddenly there would be a knock on the door. As her husband moved to answer the door she would yell, “No! Don’t answer the door.” Her husband would open the door and her deceased father would walk into the room and say, “I love you.” This would jolt her from the dream with a scream and leave her upset for the rest of the day because she and her father did not have a good relationship while he was alive.

I told her the next time she had this nightmare, to tell her father that she loved him, too, hug him and that the nightmare would stop and her life would be changed, forever. This was an opportunity to heal her past in order to move into an emotionally healthy future.

“I can’t do that,” she said, “I don’t love him. In fact, I can’t stand him. He was mean to me.”

“Somewhere in your subconscious Daddy’s Little Girl still loves him and needs to express herself and accept his love,” I said. “Your father has had time to consider the error of his ways when he was alive and is asking to make amends. We know he is asking permission because he is knocking on your Sacred Dream Door, not opening it himself and walking back into your life. Your husband, whom you always refer to as your-better-half, invites your father into the living room, or the room of the living. Your husband is also the strong fearless aspect of yourself. ”

The next night she had the same nightmare but this time…. “When there was the knock on the door I told my husband I would get it. When my father walked into the room and said, I love you,” I don’t know what happened to me but I threw my arms around his neck and said, ‘Oh, Daddy, I love you too’ and the dream shifted without me waking up.

She followed my counsel, felt wonderful when she woke up, and never had the nightmare again.

With a simple hug of love she changed the ending of a lucid nightmare into a healing dream that transformed her life forever.

Our family members challenge us the most in our life because they are our teachers, and they are humans who make mistakes. During difficult times they are given permission to return from “the other side” to give us guidance and love.

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream question. Ask me anything in the comment box.

Join me next time for more on Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: #9 Symbols and Symbolism

ABOUT Dream Expert Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ Download your free DREAM gift

(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)

Your Wildest Dream Message Revealed Series #5: Celebrity Dreams

Your Wildest Dream Message Revealed Series #5: Celebrity Dreams

You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign on my door that I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our waking-life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority.

Your Questions: I have recurring dreams of meeting a celebrity I like and not being able to take a picture with them for various reasons and feeling pissed. What does this mean? People have dreams with celebrities in them all the time. Do celebrities have dreams with nobodies in them? Why do people have dreams to meet the celebrities in their life? I had a dream last night with Lady Gaga in my face painting pink freckles on it. The dream was annoying; I didn’t want her to do that. Does she have dreams painting on random people’s faces?

What great dreams and questions. Celebrities hold a special place in our hearts and minds, and that can manifest them in our dreams.

We often imagine celebrities as living the perfect life after overcoming the odds of climbing the ladder of success. They were discovered, considered worthy of stardom and their worth is now celebrated. They have ‘Handlers” in the form of agents, attorneys and accountants who look after them and take care of their every need. We may desire to be successful financially and emotionally like we imagine they are.

Society and the media has elevated celebrities and used them as the success measuring device for life.

We are bombarded with it on TV, the radio and movies. We may subconsciously want to be in their social circle, be loved and in demand like they are, and live their party life.

This deep desire can play out in your dreams.

Another aspect to dreaming of celebrates can only be explained by you answering these questions:

 · What is it about that celebrity that is most like you or opposite of you?

· What aspect of their personality is reflected in your personality or lacking in your personality?

· What is it about them that you respect and feel could be helpful to you? Is it their strength, fortitude, sexiness, or attractiveness?

· Have they overcome obstacles that are now a part of your waking world?


A client once told me Lady Gaga and her friends marched into her living room, sat on her couch and waited for her to get dressed to come out and party with them. The client was going through breast cancer treatment and felt lonely and unattractive.

Look at the play on words; “sat in her living room and waited….”

After answering the questions above the dream message was clear to her.

•   Be yourself,

•   Overcome your obstacles,

•   Connect with strong women who will wait for you to join them in life.

•   Don’t worry about what others think of you,

•   And remember- however you are, you were born this way.


Yes, I’m pretty sure Lady Gaga has dreams of non-celebrities and may even wish she were able to walk freely down the street unnoticed. And what’s more, Lady Gaga may dream of her favorite celebrities because everyone dreams their desires.

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream questions. Ask me anything in the comment box.

Please join us next time on Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series- #6 Dead Loved Ones and Holidays.

ABOUT Dream Expert-Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ & download your free DREAM gift Access Your Inner Guide

“French Kissing God?” Oh My Goodness!

“French Kissing God?” Oh My Goodness!

“Few are those who can see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”

~Albert Einstein

Lyric Benson Fergusson loves God and life so much she feels they should both be a part of the Divine joy she lives. There is no place Lyric refuses to take God. Hence-French Kissing God.

I began the interview with, “So, let’s ask the most obvious question-How did you come up with this awesome, yet provocative title and how does it tie into your book of poetry.

Her answer astounds me with her Inner-guidance journey. 

Lyric took me on a wild ride through her life of Hollywood Royalty to Celibate Monk.

She explained how her book, French Kissing God, is full of wildly fun poetry as courageous as its title. In this radio interview, she also explains in detail how she came up with the provocative name for her book and how it is a perfect fit for her life.

What makes Lyric’s poetic story so astounding is her upbringing as a Hollywood offspring, raised religious free, yet still finds her bliss through God’s imprint on everything-practical and impractical.

It does not seem likely that the daughter of actor/director/songwriter Robby Benson of the movie and television productions Ice Castles, Beauty and the Beast/director of sitcoms Friends and Ellen and whose mother is actress/rock star Karla DeVito who toured with singer Meatloaf and starred on Broadway’s Pirates of Penzance, would trade in an elite Hollywood life for that of a celibate monk, but Lyric did.

So, what created the profound shift in her life?

At the age of nineteen, suddenly faced with a major family crisis, her own unimaginable physical pain, and the loss of a dear friend in the Twin Towers collapse on 9/11, Lyric was in such extreme emotional and physical agony, she began to pray.

Prayer created the moment that changed her life.

Lyric’s spiritual search for God became all consuming. “My parents were wonderful loving people who just did not believe in religion. I lived in a Hollywood-influenced home. For some reason, my search and love for God became of paramount importance in my life. I found my way to transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and joined his coherence-creating group for world peace.” Lyric spent the next eight years in eyes-closed meditation for up to ten hours a day while living a monastic life.

In silence, she awakened to God’s presence through a stage of extreme bliss.

“In my humble experience, the path towards God-realization is at times extremely challenging, because you are swimming in such a different current than the rest of the world. But, life is often challenging anyway. So you might as well hold God’s hand through the process. Once your grip is tight around God’s palm, and you feel the heat of His fingertips as your own-creation becomes so strikingly beautiful.” Lyric says.

During this interview, Lyric leads us on a journey of enlightenment from her life as a celibate monk seeking God to experiencing “unimaginable Divine Union and blissto a everyday housewife.

What does living a monastic life mean? It entails:

  • Rising at 3:45 am for eight to ten hours of
  • Simple meals
  • No TV, radio or “outside influence”
  • Living in a state of celibacy

Lyric says she deeply experiences God as a manifestation in everyday experiences, in everything we touch, in every human being. But, as unknowable as Divinity may ultimately be, she still finds God completely intimately accessible.

While Benson Fergusson may only be 32, her timeless wisdom speaks for itself. As she read one of her Rumi-esque poems I was magically transported through the thrill of a young woman’s awakening in her body, mind, and soul to the unspeakable immensity of Divine love. Lyric masterfully unites the spiritual with the sexual.

But there is an earthbound love story involved here, too. No! Not the one about kissing God. It is about how Lyric reconnected with her college boyfriend after he too had chosen to live a monastic life. It is a beautiful love story. It’s unfolding shows how true love is timeless and conquers all when blessed by the Divine.

Today they are happily married and on the same incredible path that still revolves around their faith and belief. That is vivaciously refreshing and downright sexy.



About the guest: Lyric Benson Fergusson is the author of French Kissing God, grew up in Hollywood and is an enthusiastic screenwriter (she attended NYU Tisch Film School), poet, actress, photographer, spiritual teacher, and activist. An avid practitioner of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Transcendental Meditation, she graduated Magna Cum Laude from Maharishi University of Management in 2006 with a degree in Vedic Science. It was this experience that led Lyric to delve deep within herself in an exploration of consciousness, fueling her desire for enlightenment. Learn more @

About the host: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ and Author/Lecturer of the International award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. She has been featured in newspapers, on CBS News, in American Express Open, and published in medical journals. Learn more @


Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series #4: Dreams vs Reality

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series #4: Dreams vs Reality


You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign on my door that I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our waking-life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority.

Your Question: How do you tell dreams from reality? Are dreams less vivid?

Dreams can be as vivid as reality while you are in the dream state, and that is why one of the types of dream we can have is known as a Waking Dream.

Waking dreams fell like a dream joke. We think we have awakened, are preparing for work or school as we do during our daily routine, and then when the door to the bus or our car opens we see the driver is Harry Potter.

Ding-ding! You are still dreaming.

We wake up and want to pinch ourselves to be sure it’s was a dream and that now we really are awake, because a waking dream can consist of multiple doors. We are relieved when we think we just woke up from Harry Potter, only to find that as we walk out our front door we are now in Jurassic Park.

When do the dreams end and reality begin? “Am I stuck in my dream world FOREVER?” you might ask.

These waking dreams can be so ludicrous that we actually laugh ourselves wake. So how do we know when the dream has stopped morphing between tricky dream realities and our car is just a car?

Pain is awakened reality. Pain wakes us up. Also, true reality has validation.

However, you can also have a Precognitive Dream that is validated in reality, such as a medical report, or meeting the person in your dreams from three nights ago in a movie theatre when you sit beside them.

Dreams are magical.

A vivid Lucid Dream is part of your reality. Reality is grounded. An example would be not flying through the air with just our bodies when we are awake.

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream question. Ask me anything.

Please join us next time on Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: #5 Celebrity Dreams.

ABOUT Dream Expert: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ & download your free DREAM gift

(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series:  #1-Remembering Dreams

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: #1-Remembering Dreams


You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room on my door. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our wking- life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority.

Your Question.) What are good ways to remember dreams? Why is it important to remember your dreams?

Have you ever prayed for help with a life-challenge?

Your prayers may be answered in your dreams. Dreams are Sacred Doorways to Celestial Information that can impact your waking life.

Remembering your dreams is as easy as 1-2-3-4-5.

Your dreams are an incredible tool that can help you overcome or work through any illness or crisis with guided healing information. The trick is remembering them.

Here are some tips and information to help you remember your dreams and connect with Inner-guidance for a healthier and more fulfilled life.

George Noory of Coast to Coast AM Radio interviewed Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos on prophetic dreams that diagnosed her breast cancer three times. The most important thing about the dreams was remembering them.

Without dream memory there was no hope.


During the show Kat Kanavos also discusses additional ways to remember your dreams. The actual link to the show is at the bottom of this information.

Here are five simple steps you can use tonight to help remember your dreams.

I.)Verbally voice your intention to remember your dream before you go to sleep.

II.) Keep a notebook beside your bed and when you awaken, write what you remember. Early-morning dreams are the easiest to remember. If you are having trouble remembering, lie down in bed in the same position you were in when you awoke, relax, and try to remember anything at all.

III.) Write down your feelings at the time you awoke if the dream still allusive -Happy, Sad, Frightened, Content or Anxious.

IV.) Write down any color that pops into your mind while trying to remember the dream.

V.) Give your dream a title, even if it’s The Dream Without a Name. If some part of the dream returns during the day, jot it down on a piece of paper and add it to your dream journal.

Over time your dreams will become longer as you begin to interface with yourself, your Inner-guidance, and your Spirit-guides and Guardian-angels.

We all have Spirit-guides And Guardian-angels. We are their job and they take that job very seriously. Remembering your guides and angels is reconnecting with your true essence.

Meeting guides/angels in your dreams is a wonderful step to a healthier and more fulfilled life.

If you have not done so already, set your intention tonight to remember your dreams and meet your Spirit-guides. They are waiting for you. It could make a big difference in your life because you will never feel alone, again.

Help others by sharing your personal steps for remembering your dreams in the comments.

Join me next time for the answer to your question, Do you find dreams easier to remember in the morning or right after you fell asleep?


Link to George Noory’s Coast to Coast AM Radio Show: Shemitah Cycles/ Healing & Dreams

Medical journal: 2015 May-June Volume 11, Issue 3, pages 193-198 Warning Dreams Preceding the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: A Survey of the Most Important Characteristics

Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing…

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream question. Ask me anything in the comment box.

Join us next time for Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: Question # 2Early Morning Dreams vs Midnight Dreams

ABOUT Dream Expert: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ & download your free DREAM gift

(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)