Consciousness and Life

Consciousness and Life

butterfly dreams

by Dr. Bernie Siegel
(I give Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos permission to use and post my blog on her sites. Dr. Bernie Siegel.)
Dr. Bernie Siegel is my guest blogger today in the fourth of our series of shared blogs for October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which, due to popular demand,  have flowed into November’s Cancer Awareness Month and beyond…
Have you met your spirit-guides or had a near death experience? In this blog Dr. Bernie Siegel shares some amazing stories of both….
In 1978, nearly a decade before retirement, Bernie, as he prefers to be called, launched ECaP—Exceptional Cancer Patients, in which he and his wife and co-worker, Bobbie, remain active today. ECaP is a therapeutic approach Bernie calls Carefrontation that helps patients interpret their drawings, dreams and images to express their feelings about the healing process. The physical, spiritual, and psychological benefits that emerge strengthen the immune system, a direct response to the power of the Mind-Body Connection about which Bernie has written and spoken extensively. He is currently working on other books with the goal of empowering patients and teaching survival behavior to enhance immune system competency.
Bernie believes that in the next decade, the roles of consciousness, spirituality, non-local healing, body memory, and heart energy will all be explored more intensively as scientific subjects. In his own words he shares stories of NDEs (Near Death Experiences), Guardian angles, and consciousness, which is a part of your life, too because we are all connected by Universal Oneness….
Bernie’s Toy-phone…
When I was four years old I was home in bed with one of my frequent ear infections. I took a toy telephone I was playing with and unscrewed the dial and put all the pieces in my mouth as I had seen carpenters do with nails which they then pulled out to use. The problem was that I aspirated the pieces and went into laryngospasm. I can still feel my intercostal muscles and diaphragm contracting forcefully, trying to get some air into my lungs, but nothing worked and I was unable to make any sounds to attract help. I had no sense of the time but suddenly realized I was not struggling anymore.
I was now at the head of the bed watching myself dying.
I found it fascinating to be free of my body and a blessing. I never stopped to think about how I could still see while out of my body. I was feeling sorry my mother, who was in the kitchen, would find me dead but I thought it over and found my new state preferable and intellectually chose death over life.
Then for no apparent reason, the boy on the bed vomited and all the pieces came flying out.
He began to breathe again and I was very angry as I returned to my body against my will. I can still remember yelling, “Who did that?” My thought as a four year old was that there was a God who had a schedule and I wasn’t supposed to die now. So an angel apparently did a Heimlich maneuver on me is the way I would explain it today. I really do believe there is a schedule we create unconsciously because of later life experiences.
Twice I have had my car totaled by people driving through red lights and once I fell off our roof when the top rung on my wooden ladder snapped off. In none of these incidents did any significant injury occur to my body. Someone told me it was because I had an angel and he knew his name. I asked what it was and he asked, “What did you say when the ladder broke?” “I said, Oh Shit!” He said, “That’s his name.” I will add he always shows up when I call him in an impassioned way.
Digital Girl

Digital Girl

The Healer Olga Worrall
My next experience was with the healer Olga Worrall. I had injured my leg training for a marathon. It was very painful and not responding to rest or therapy. At an American Holistic Medical Association conference, Olga was a guest speaker. My wife told me to ask her to heal me.
I was embarrassed to ask and very frankly a non-believer.
Never the less my wife pushed me forward and Olga sat me down in a chair and placed her two hands on my leg. The heat from her hands was incredible. I remember putting my hands on the opposite leg to compare the heat sensation. There was no sense of warmth from my hands coming through the dungarees. When Olga was done I stood up and was completely healed. The pain was gone and I could walk normally. Another time Olga and I spoke at the funeral of a mutual friend. After the ceremony we were standing in a deserted hallway when she asked, “Are you Jewish?”
Dr. Bernie
“Why are you asking?”
“Because there are two rabbis standing next to you.” She went on to tell me their names and describe their garments, which included their prayer shawls and caps. Her description of them was exactly what I saw in my meditation and imagery sessions when I had met these figures while walking on my path.
Another evening after I gave a lecture, which felt like someone else was giving it and I was simply verbalizing it for them, a woman came up to me and said, “Standing in front of you for the entire lecture was a man and I drew his picture for you.”
Again, exactly the face and features of my inner guide.
I still have the picture hanging in our home. My next experience came when I was telling a friend about how busy I was and she said, “Why are you living this life?” Her intention was to get me to slow down and travel less but her question sent me into a trance and I immediately saw myself with a sword in my hand killing people. My first thought was that I had become a surgeon in this life to use a knife to heal and not kill. I spontaneously went into a trance again a few days later and saw myself living the life of a knight who killed because he feared his lord and what he would do to him if he didn’t carry out his commands.
I killed my wife, in this life, and her dog and was devastated by the experience.
But at the same time, it revealed to me why my wife’s face has always had a hypnotic effect upon me and why I am so involved in rescuing animals. Ultimately it taught me about having faith in the true Lord and like Abraham, Jesus, Moses, Noah and others to understand that what our Lord asks of us is for the greater good and that if I had said yes I would have not been asked to kill anyone.
Odds cat
Most recently one of our cats disappeared when a door was left open.
After several weeks with no sign of her I was sure she was killed by a predator. A friend I had made, Amelia Kinkade, is an animal intuitive who lives in Los Angeles. We live in Connecticut and Amelia has never been to our home or near it. I pestered her to tell me where the cat was and one day I received an email, without even sending Amelia a picture of the cat, and it detailed the house, yard, other animals and people who were involved in the cat’s life.
The next day I went out and found the cat exactly where Amelia said it was hiding. She told me in the email, “The cat is alive because I can see through its eyes.” If that doesn’t make me a believer nothing will. I totally believe that consciousness is non-local and not limited to the body. I also have experienced this through the drawings and dreams of patients I have cared for which allows them to know their diagnosis and what the future holds for them.
As Jung said, “The future is unconsciously prepared long in advance and therefore can be guessed by clairvoyants.”
I believe it is this unconscious awareness which we each bring with us when we are born. So I do not believe we literally live many lives but that we bring with us the experience of previous lives.
Thus, the wiser we get the better the future will be for those who follow us.
I wish to thank Bernie for sharing his amazing blog of true-life miracles with my readers. It just proves that we are born with Spirit–guides/Guardian- angels, we are their job and they take that job seriously. Do you know the name of your Guardian angel? Perhaps it is the same as Bernie’s. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants! Meet your guides in your dream world so you may bring their wisdom into your waking world and live a more fearless life.
Bernie 3Guest Bio: Dr. Bernie Siegel: Bernie, as he prefers to be called, was born in Brooklyn, NY, attended Colgate University and Cornell University Medical College. He graduated with honors and holds membership in two scholastic honor societies, Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha. He trained to become a surgeon at Yale New Haven Hospital, West Haven Veteran’s Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. In 1989, Bernie retired from Yale as an Assistant Clinical Professor of General and Pediatric Surgery to speak to patients, their families and caregivers.
Kanavos_ISSUE - CroppedHost Bio: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, is an agented author, Intuitive Life Coach, survived three breast cancers missed by the medical community, wrote the International award winning book SURVIVING CANCERLAND: Intuitive Aspects of Healing (Cypress House, Jan 2014) contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, websites: Surviving Cancerland & Access Your Inner Guide, TV/Radio Host Producer, Dream Queen columnist- Wellness Woman 40 & Beyond, & Women’s Voices Magazine, R.A. BLOCH Cancer Foundation Hotline Counselor. Represented by Steve Allen Media & Literary Agent Davra Jacobs
(All pictures and posters are owed by the author or used with permission.)
Roxanne Pappas: Wicked Energy

Roxanne Pappas: Wicked Energy


It is my pleasure to introduce to you my guest blogger today Roxanne Pappas, the Wicked Energy Lady.  Kat Kanavos

Roxanne PappasWicked Energy 

Is Your New Year’s Resolution To Go On a Diet……Again?

Think Sustainability for a Change


Replay Date: Monday, December, 2015


Link To Replay The Show:


Have you ever thought about making a pledge to live greener? It’s really a lot easier than dieting.


Did you know that the #NationalGeographic Greenex report shows that US consumers are last in the world in terms of sustainable behavior?


That’s right – dead last.


India and China finished at the top of last year’s rankings due to their public transportation systems and food production practices. What this means is that #sustainability is about more than fossil fuels and global warming. For Americans, sustainability means making smarter choices in terms of products and companies we support through our spending. My broadcast lists a number of tips which will help us raise our ranking in the next Greenex report.


Favor companies that provide transparency into their sustainability. Look for companies that are public about their environmental initiatives. Having said that, according to the Boston Consulting Group, MIT Sloan Mgt Review and the U N Global Compact, 58% of corporate boards are less than moderately engaged with corporate sustainability initiatives.




Because they still believe that sustainability initiatives are too expensive and they lack a long-term view of sustainability benefits. Since corporations are some of the largest consumers of resources and have some of the greatest impact on the environment, getting corporate leadership on board with sustainability initiatives are of the utmost importance.


Several corporations, however, are drawing a line in the sand. They include Walmart, McDonalds, Target, Netflix, Volkswagon and the National Hockey League.


Several cities and states are making new commitments to sustainability by slashing #greenhous gasemissions which benefit working class families who currently pay a higher share for electricity than wealthy residents. Some states are being ranked based on a local sustainability certification program that takes into account the social environment and economic impacts of local government and community efforts


Ultimately green living is about doing what you can. By embracing greener best practices, you’re not only doing your part to lessen your environmental footprint, but you’re also participating in a quickly growing movement which is proving that fossil fuels have become a dead weight we are dragging around. With #Viridianenergy’s influence, the US is finally at a place that makes sense to leverage the power of green energy resources and to quit relying on older methods of extracting energy (oil).


   #Viridianenergy is part of a roadmap for the development of renewable energy sources across all 50 states by supplying renewable energy garnered from solar, wind and water to help the US transition to complete reliance on clean energy. #ElonMusk is an advocate and reasons that a solar power grid the size of a small corner of Arizona, could generate all the electricity the US would need.




About the Host: Roxanne Pappas is the Host of Wicked Green Energy, a show, dedicated to educating individuals about cutting edge green choices for the sustainability of our planet. She is also, an Independent Associate with Viridian Energy, a company that provides power from solar, wind and water directly to you, right now. You can help her bring our troops home from the Middle East and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Get in touch with Roxanne today!

Please visit her Facebook Page at Living It Up Green.


Contact: Roxanne Pappas/ Cell: 508-364-9964 / Email:


 Learn about the Blog Host Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos @ 


Roxanne Pappas: Wicked Energy

Your Upgraded Brain Talking Sex, Energy, Diet and Lifestyle

Is There a Fountain of Youth for Your Brain? Are we destined to just slide downhill at the mercy of our decaying bodies as we age-suffering low energy, diminished cognitive abilities and memory, distracted focus, reduced sex drive and even depression? Or do we have a choice?

These questions and more are answered during the Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos radio interview with author Dr. Brant Cortright.

Listen as author/guest Dr. Brant Cortright and host Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos discuss how you can Stop Your Physical and Mental Decline and Discover the Fountain of Youth for Your Brain!

CLICK LINK to the Show at the end of this blog to LISTEN.

Based on Latest Neuroscience Research, there is A Paradigm Shift in Brain Health and Aging!

According to the Breakthrough #1 Bestseller, The Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle, the Specific Steps to Renew BRAIN CELL Growth to Restore and Retain Mental and Physical Acuity is shared with you.

You hold the keys to upgrade your brain to upgrade your life.

Trust in the scientific process of life and find the path to your Brain’s Fountain of Youth.


The Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle:

Upgrade Your Brain, Upgrade Your Life

By Brant Cortright, Ph.D


For years science has thought that there was no way to halt the death of brain cells that control our aging process, but recent neuroscience has actually discovered how we can grow new brain cells (neurogenesis) at ANY point in our lives. When the rate of neurogenesis is low we experience memory loss, cognitive deficits, anxiety, stress, depression and lowered immunity. With high rates, we flourish–demonstrating rapid learning, mental acuity, emotional resiliency, robust health and more.

Wouldn’t it be remarkable if you could just increase the brain’s rate of making new brain cells?

Well, in fact, you can! And Brant Cortright, Ph.D, shares his formula to do that! His remarkable new breakthrough book, The Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle: Upgrade Your Brain, Upgrade Your Life–already an Amazon #1 Bestseller–captures the newest science on how to rev up brain cell growth.

Listen as Dr. Brant Cortright shares the scientifically validated 4-point program of diet and lifestyle.

This groundbreaking 4-point program will:

  • Improve your memory and brain power
  • Inoculate you against stress and depression
  • Prevent or delay cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s
  • Enrich your relationships and sex life

With this Diet and Lifestyle Program, you have the ability to increase your rate of neurogenesis by 3 to 5 times over today’s output.

Listen as Dr. Cortright discusses dietary recommendations for brain food, brain vitamins, brain supplements, memory vitamins and memory supplements. The Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle will help ward off cognitive decline and avoid dementia. It touches on a comprehensive holistic regimen that addresses Diet, Mind, Body, and Spirit.

This lifestyle plan is the only lifestyle for which there is scientific evidence supporting it, as shown by a late 2014 research study by the Buck Foundation and a 2015 Finnish study.

And you’ll find plenty of surprises during the interview, too as Dr. Cortright addresses:

  • What’s up with those blueberries
  • What happens when we do aerobic exercise
  • Why travel awakens the brain
  • How important touch is for brain cell growth
  • The role of music and silence in neurogenesis
  • The ultimate de-stressor
  • Why it’s possible for you to operate at a higher level than ever before – regardless of your age

“This is the most important book you’ll read this year. Dr. Cortright has rescued new, paradigm-shifting findings about neurogenesis from being lost in neuroscience journals and brought them to the wider public to show the astounding number of ways all of us can expand our cognitive abilities and overall brain function—“Frank Echenhofer, Ph.D, Neuroscientist, Neuroscientist, Professor at CIIS

“This is the best book to give anyone over 50!”-Cathy Coleman, Ph.D

“For years, I’ve been waiting for the book that would show the whole brain can be enhanced, not just one of its functions, not one of its certain skills, but the brain on the whole. And here it is.”-Olga Louchakova-Swartz, M.D., Ph. D, Neuroscientist, Professor at Sofia University

Dr. Cortright’s work proves you are never too old to play or have other kinds of “young fun.” Youth is in the mind of the beholder. Your brain is talking to you. Are you listening? What do you hear?


(All pictures, posters and banners are owned by the author or used with permission by the guest.)

About the Author/Guest: Dr. Brant Cortright is a highly respected clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies. His consulting practice specializes in cutting-edge brain health and neuroscience-informed depth therapy. He is the author of two previous books and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.


About the Host: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® and Author/Lecturer of International award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for health, wealth, and love, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, and Wellenss Women 40 and Beyond: Dream Queen. Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. If you wish to be a radio show host, interviewed by Kat or wish to learn more about her go to to make your dreams come true.

Roxanne Pappas: Wicked Energy

From Fearing to Loving the Unknown


It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to Access Your Inner Guide guest blogger Sue Malcolm.

Sibella Circle Member & Visionary Leader


From Fearing to Loving the Unknown

By Sue Malcolm


I never anticipated my fear of the unknown, transforming into such deep love for incredibly kind unseen beings; but life is full of surprises! In my teens I’d find myself in the mind, body and spirit section of bookshops, turning pages engrossed and fascinated by what I read. All too often though, I’d hear “Come on, you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into reading books like that”. Maybe I didn’t but I felt drawn towards them. Nonetheless, I allowed my friends words to exaggerate my mild fear of the unknown and I left the shops empty handed.


Sitting alone, some 30 years later another opportunity to venture into the unknown presented itself. At a time when I struggled to know where my life was heading a silent voice entered my head in a moment of serene solitude informing me of my purpose in life – to help sick, abandoned and cruelly treated animals. ‘Wow! What a fantastic mission!’ I thought. Without any hesitation, I humbly and excitedly accepted this message with immense joy, honour and gratitude. I couldn’t have chosen a more wonderful ‘reason for being’ although I knew little about animals.


I believe my instant acceptance of this anonymous message initiated a wealth of initially frightening but most often incredibly magical and beautiful spiritual experiences, and was the reason for a series of co-incidences beyond my wildest dreams. The latter led me to learning reiki and communicating with animals. The former introduced me to Angels and also opened my eyes, ears and heart to the spiritual world.



I’ll never forget the early proof of Angelic help I experienced thousands of feet above land four years ago. Hearing “please fasten your seat belt, we have just been advised of turbulence ahead” caused nervous tension in every cell of my body. The aroma I’d come to recognize when feeling anxious; and which I’d learned to be amazingly that of an Angel; appeared under my nose. Relieved, I silently whispered “please stop this turbulence? I’m so frightened!” Erratic and uncontrollable bumping instantly ceased, to be replaced with incredibly peaceful stillness and an almost identical repeat performance occurred on the return journey. My eyes watered to think that a heavenly Angel did that for me!


To anyone who fears the world we cannot see, please don’t. We are loved and helped by incredibly kind, caring and very knowledgeable ‘beings’ more that we will ever comprehend. In hard times assistance is always available. Providing our intentions are good, we just need to ask, trust the communication received and give thanks.


I’ve made many mistakes, trusting my own judgement more than the guidance received and have sorely regretted missed opportunities.

Sue Malcolm.

Sue Malcolm’s blog/article was also published in Sibyl Magazine and permission has been given by the magazine to have it shared and published here.


Thank you Sue Malcolm for guest blogging and sharing your wisdom with us concerning moving From Fearing to Loving the Unknown.



About the Host of the Blog: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® and Author/Lecturer of the International award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. Learn more @



Roxanne Pappas: Wicked Energy

4 Techniques to Avoid Winter Make-up Sins

Holidays and parties go together like New and Year. You have been working on your weight and health to get into that beautiful dress for a special celebration. But is your skin a sin to behold?

As one of the C3TV hosts for Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod, making sure my make-up is not frightening is very important because the HD cameras magnify every cosmetic mistake or flaky flaw tenfold.

Our skin is a breathing organ. It the largest organ we possess and one we cannot live without.

You must care for your skin and keep it as healthy and beautiful just as you would your hair, teeth and physique. It is one of the few organs not moisturized from the inside out. Cold weather from outdoors and heated indoor air at our home and work place takes a toll on skin, especially your face which faces the daily elements.

First impressions are lasting ones. Make them beautiful.

Moisturize twice a day, morning and night, to reduce beauty sins and create glowing results. And always end your nightly routine and begin your daily one with clean skin that radiates health under your makeup.

Here are four “skin sins” to avoid and steps to help you make a warm and lasting impression on anyone you meet during the cold winter months.


1.) Anti-Dry Skin Sin– apply moisturizer AND primer under make-up foundation. It avoids the “wrinkled map’ look” that can have people staring at your face looking for where X marks the spot. That spot needs extra moisturizer.

Primer will:

a.) hold your makeup in place so it does not “travel” to wrinkles that will begin to look like the Grand Canyons

b.) trap moisture on your face and keep it from evaporating from beneath your make-up foundation.

2.) Anti-Dry Lip Sinapply rich lip moisturizer at night right BEFORE bed, so it has 8 hours to work. This will help you avoid the “prune lips” look with lipstick. Dry cracked lips look worse with lipstick. Keep your lip balm beside your bed. Reapply it in the morning and remove any extra before applying lipstick.

3.) Anti-Chapped Hands Sinapply a rich moisturizer at night BEFORE bed so it works while you sleep. Your hands and face are the first places people look when they meet you. Reapply in the morning AFTER your shower and makeup. This will keep it on your hands longer. Apply a small amount of cream to hands throughout the day after you wash them. Keep your hand moisturizer beside your bed with your lip balm. If your hands are very chapped, wear a pair of light weight household cleaning gloves while you sleep over the moisturizer. I will keep the moisturizer on your hands and off your sheets.

4.) Anti-Powder on Dry Skin Sin– Powder makeup on dry skin makes lines look like dry river beds. It draws attention to flakey areas. Powder on dry skin accentuates sin number one and two. Rather than using bronzing powder, use a bronzing cake-makeup or liquid.

Remember, the name of the game during the cold and drying winter months is Moisturize.

Take care of your skin and it will take care of you.


Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos believes dreams can diagnose and guide your life. Did you have a déjà vu or did your dream come true? Kat survived three breast cancers diagnosed by her dreams. Bestselling Author, Inspirational Keynote Speaker, TV & Radio Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod, columnist, and R.A.Bloch Cancer Foundation Hotline Counselor; she has been featured on radio, in magazines and newspapers, appeared on Every Way Women TV, and the Waking Universe TV documentary. SURVIVING CANCERLAND: Intuitive Aspects of Healing is the first in her three book series on waking up to dreams that diagnose life. Kat taught Special Education and Psychology at (USF).